
10 best interiors of the most popular films about the New Year


Tonight is the most unusual and exceptional"Our" holiday is the old New Year. On this occasion, we have prepared for you a list of films that will surely help disperse the sorrow of the departed and sow the faith in the future. The after-work week has begun. It's time to sink your sorrow in the stormy river of evening movies. We suggest that you remember the ten New Year's films and take a closer look at their scenery, or rather, the interiors. Perhaps you will find a couple of ideas that can take root in your home and preserve the feeling of a miracle and romance of the past holidays for a long time.

"Alone at home"

If you, like us, watched this film as a child,then certainly dreamed of a similar big house, a mad family and the most memorable New Year holidays. We hope that in your fantasies there were not a couple of unlucky "bear cubs". Although can you imagine the New Year without their melodious cries?

"The Bridget Jones Diary"

Familiar to all the girls the story of failures in personallife, including all the nightmares of festive misunderstandings, a handsome traitor and, of course, Mr. Darcy. The same. However, the "main character" is still New Year, or rather, Christmas. The time when even the most cynical of us believe in the impossible and are waiting for their Colin Firth ...

"Real love"

In this "real tale" the fates intertwineda good dozen people. Someone was thrown, someone was betrayed, someone had a second chance, and someone just was very lucky. And there's nothing to be surprised at here - New Year's.

"Curly Sue"

They are not born as homeless people, they become. The story of a nice girl with gorgeous hair is just about that. Every homeless person has a heart-rending story, but, strangely enough, rarely does anyone need help. This couple was lucky. The rich blonde has solved all the problems, although initially she was going to simply breed for money. Conclusion - do not be afraid to be deceived, but never deceive yourself, New Year does not save everyone.

"While you were Sleeping"

What can be more melodramatic than the silentcomatose? Only a subway worker forced to sell tokens on the eve of the most beloved holiday. It takes only a couple of misunderstandings, a big lie and a great desire not to be alone, so that everything will be resolved in the best possible way.

"Exchange holiday"

Beautiful people, an idea familiar to us, embodiedcompany Airbnb (well, almost), a few accidents and a sea of ​​romance. Two women decide to change their life abruptly and to exchange for a vacation time by houses and continents. What of it turns out - you probably saw, but if not, know: the victory, as always, is love.

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

A history-utopia about how a real talent canpull out "from the mud to the princes," and that family fortune can not be bought for money, the craziest of all are cleverer, miracles happen, and Johnny Depp is beautiful even with a terrible haircut.

"Tariff" New Year's "

Miracles here are elevated to the highest degree andThey have modern origins and a higher purpose - to save lives. The main characters will do everything possible to avoid trouble, defeat fate and find true love. And all thanks to what? Correctly selected cellular operator, of course!


A cheerful story about misunderstandings, destiny, love andthe brotherhood of nations. It turns out that we are all really connected by an invisible thread, the main thing is to be a little kinder to each other, not only during the general fun.

"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

Where, without this "nation-wide""The classic", "the New Year" and the most incomprehensible for foreigners cinema? Then you and the vicissitudes of love, and broken hearts, and nostalgia for the Soviet past, and a whole list of winged phrases and silly situations, which, strangely enough, really want to get at least once in life.

