
5 interiors of films nominated for an Oscar for decoration


"The very same" prize is not far off, and today weDecided to acquaint you more closely with the nominees, or rather, with the interiors of movies that expect to take the "Oscar" for the best design. Film fans around the world now have only one word on their lips - "Oscar". So we decided to join the general wavering expectation and look one eye at the most interesting for us - interiors. In this case, they will be nominees for the best decoration.

The Imitation Game

Worrying Europe of the Second World, a genius withAn unforgivable secret, mathematics and an unsolvable task, or rather, a cipher that can not be cracked. The main action of the film takes place in the laboratory with a huge computer in the middle. The workshop space with rusty lamps, brick walls, dusty floors and a rather depressive palette only emphasizes the tension of the atmosphere and the stiffness of some minds.

Hotel Grand Budapest Hotel (The Grand Budapest Hotel)

If at one time you liked the weird"Fantastic Mr. Fox", then you will fall in love unconditionally with Wes Andersen's new work. Everything here is in the master's favorite style - deliberately, brightly, really funny and very deep. The comic adventures of the main characters take place in the luxurious interiors of an elite hotel with a pink (!) Facade. However, outside the windows of the eternal celebration of life, a fascist machine is already rearing its head. Gradually, the royal decoration, along with desperately ignoring the obvious, Europe is replaced by the gray walls of Nazi barracks. However, first of all, it is still a comedy.

William Turner (Mr. Turner)

The history of life, torment and creative searchThe genius of painting, placed in a human vessel of the frozen form. Interiors here, unfortunately, a little. However, there is a clear opposition to the sublime process of creation in a spacious, bright workshop, whose apogee is the unenviable fate of the canvasses-sticky looks in a close tiny room without windows, hung to the ceiling with pictures.

The further into the forest ... (Into the Woods)

Basically the action of this non-fairy tale(Look to the end) develops, as it is supposed from the name, in the forest. We are shown only a few interiors, and in general, there is only one left - the home of a baker, once cursed and doomed to childlessness, and his wife. Probably, once, in times of great expectations and even greater hopes, it was cozy here. Now the light barely breaks through some kind of blinds, the walls have not been plastered for a long time, and mice are always falling in the gap between the floorboards.

Interstellar (Interstellar)

A controversial film, after which one, looking down,looked at their own hands, while others forever swore to believe in the genius of Mr. Nolan. We will not argue about tastes, we will only say that the director did not disappoint and created another film event. There are two main interiors here - the farmhouse of the protagonist and the inner space of the spaceship. As for the first, here we see a reflection of our aged world with you - dusty, frozen in time, but at the same time cozy and dear, with every little detail saying: "you are at home." But the ship is a completely different matter: cold metal, plastic and mountains of incomprehensible equipment. Somewhere in the depths of these wires, zeros and ones, there is a glimmer of hope for life, however, already completely different, unfamiliar and completely alien.

