
8 insanely expensive things for the house, about which you will talk -


Did you know that an ordinary light switch,for example, might be $ 250 and a roll of toilet paper $ 1.3 million? And this is not the whole price list of the most expensive things for the house ... Imagine that all the most ordinary things in your house suddenly turned into insanely expensive counterparts ... your door will shut treacherously. Her conscience won't let her. After all, this cement support costs, no less, 3,500 conventional units. Breaker - $ 250 Each Respectablethe owner of a country mansion must have such a thing. You are probably thinking - why does a rich man need such a switch? After all, you have to get out of bed to turn off the light yourself. It would seem absurd. However, this is not a simple one, but a gold wireless switch, which is usually located at arm's length from the bed. Knife - $ 39,600 The most expensive knife in the world. Why? Maybe because this cutlery is made of a carbon steel blade with a silver handle and inlaid with eight diamonds ... Toilet seat - $ 249 This seat is forThe toilet bowl is made of carbon fiber. Well, it looks very cute. They say that it is still practical to use. True, you can check this only by purchasing this for yourself. Vacuum cleaner with Swarovski crystals - $ 18993 Bored of cleaning up dust with your inconspicuous vacuum cleaner? There is a way out: a vacuum cleaner encrusted with more than three thousand Swarovski crystals - perhaps the most expensive in the world among its "fellow dust removal". If I had that amount, I would buy a Ducati Streetfighter motorcycle and I would still have $ 3,000 left. Sergey Susloparov, editor of Tributo a Modigliani Water Bottle - $ 60,000 Caseis that the price of $ 60,000 is offered for just 750 ml of this wonderful Italian water. And the name Tributo a Modigliani is translated from Italian as “tribute to Modigliani”. Not a bad tribute ... Stool - $ 1,300,000 Stool, as you've probably figured out, is made of gold. I wonder how many people in the world would want to buy one. Moreover, apparently, it is not very convenient. Toilet paper - $ 1,300,000 Yes, yes, yes.This is a roll of gold toilet paper. Yes, it costs over a million US dollars. Yes, someone buys it. We suspect that someone is Jennifer Lopez. Because, according to our information, except for her, no one else's buttocks are insured for a fabulous amount. Based on

