How to hang dresses, where to store worn items andWhat clothes need covers? We have formulated the answers to these and other questions in 9 simple rules, with the help of which you can easily organize the perfect wardrobe. Is your closet already bursting with things, but it still seems that there is nothing to wear? Mountains of clothes towering on the backs of chairs, because there is absolutely not enough space on hangers and shelves? The root of most such problems is improperly organized storage of things, which has a much more negative impact on your wardrobe than it seems. Poor condition of clothes, lack of clear visualization (hence the very same “nothing to wear”), constant disorder - these are just some of the consequences. We suggest fighting this with the help of nine simple rules, using which you will definitely be able to organize your perfect .No. 1.Each item has its place The main rule that will help you achieve perfect order in your closet: each type of item should have its place. If dresses and shirts are always on hangers, and sweaters are on shelves, gradually, bringing the system to automatism, you will stop thinking about where and what to put each time. This simplifies not only cleaning, but also finding the right item. The most general scheme looks like this: long items and jackets are on hangers, shoes are underneath them, knitwear that can be folded is in trays or on shelves, suitcases or boxes with out-of-season items are on top.
No. 2.Use tricks If you don’t have a full-fledged spacious wardrobe, but you have a lot of clothes, you can increase the space of the closet with the help of small tricks. Firstly, use the doors: you can place accessories, jewelry and bags on them, which will not interfere with their closing. Secondly, two-tier rods are very helpful in such cases, allowing you to store twice as many things on hangers. As a rule, blouses, tops or jackets are placed on the upper tier, and skirts and trousers on the lower one.
Victoria Ivannikova, Armadini Collection:— You can save precious space in your closet by using its entire height. However, if your closet does not have lifting mechanisms, you cannot do without a handle for tall wardrobes. There is a huge selection of plastic telescopic handles in stores, but their appearance leaves much to be desired. Therefore, Armadini Collection offers a functional and aesthetic alternative. A special handle is made of solid European beech and complemented by a functional hook made of ebony, one of the most durable types of wood. Beautiful and functional!
Handle for high wardrobes Armadini Collection
Handle for high wardrobes Armadini Collection
Armadini Tall Wardrobe HandleCollection № 3. Maintain balance Another important point is balance inside the closet. First of all, things should not lie or hang too tightly: you should be able to freely take out any of them without disturbing the others. If you have to fight to pull your favorite sweater out of the depths of a huge pile every time, most likely, the order in the closet will very soon come to an end. Things that you don’t wear often can be folded into boxes or placed in the back of the closet so that these things do not interfere with those that are worn regularly.
No. 4.Remember about ergonomics Any rules for arranging the perfect wardrobe are useless if it is uncomfortable. That is why, when placing clothes and accessories in the closet, follow the following principle: out-of-season items or those that you rarely wear should be on the very top or bottom shelves, but for those that are used often, you need to allocate space at eye and arm level. Also remember that if you have to reach for something or stand on a stool to get it, most likely you will wear it very rarely.
No. 5.Not just hangers Of course, unless we're talking about a small open wardrobe, we store things in the closet not only on hangers. All kinds of boxes, baskets and drawers, as well as dividers for clothes and transparent containers will serve you well. Dividers are good because they allow you to pull out clothes from the bottom of the stack without all the other things falling apart, and in general they keep everything in a neater condition. And transparent boxes are ideal for storing socks, underwear and accessories, since everything is clearly visible and finding the right thing is, accordingly, very easy.
No. 6.Organize storage of off-season clothes Well-organized storage of off-season items is the key to order in your closet. You can put them away in fabric bags, distant drawers, boxes, and even suitcases. It is better to hide outerwear and dresses in covers or vacuum bags. Distribute all this either in the far corners of the closet or outside it: suitcases and boxes with winter clothes can be stored, for example, under the bed. And where else to hide things in a small apartment, we tell in the article.
If your closet or wardrobe is non-standardsize, then you can find suitable boxes, for example, at . In addition to standard models, it is possible to make boxes according to individual sizes. And the color and texture of the boxes can be selected so that they visually match the design of the wardrobe.
Armadini Collection Clothing Boxes No. 7.Use covers Fabric covers are useful not only for out-of-season items, but also for long-term storage of delicate fabrics, suits, furs, etc. Covers significantly increase the lifespan of such items and help to immediately visually separate what is worn often and what is waiting for a special occasion or the right time of year. Helpful tip: to avoid opening all the covers in a row in search of the right dress or jacket, take pictures of the clothes stored in them and attach the photos to the covers. This simple trick will save you a lot of time in the future.
As an alternative to photographs, you canchoose covers with transparent side inserts. You can also find them at and, if necessary, make a cover to order: for example, an elongated one for an evening dress or, conversely, a shortened one for trousers.
Armadini Collection garment bag No. 8.Store worn items separately Not all items need to be washed after each wear, but you shouldn’t put them back in the closet with clean clothes either. Where to store them? There are many options: wall rods, decorative ladders, mannequins, a special section in the closet, a small open wardrobe, or, if you don’t have many items, separate hangers. You can also hang the items you’re going to wear in the morning on them in the evening.
No. 9.Add the finishing touch You've wisely arranged your closet items, thought through the storage of accessories, and sorted out out-of-season items. Now your wardrobe is functional, but it's the little things that will make it truly perfect. Choose beautiful hangers, place sachets (preferably with one scent) among your clothes, and hang a small mirror. And if you need constant fashion inspiration, make a personal inspiration board on the inside of the door with magazine clippings, stylist tips, celebrity looks, or your own looks.
9 Rules for a Perfect Wardrobe –