
PE in the apartment: the pipe broke through, you were flooded, a fire happened ... What should I do? -


Man is an unpredictable creature and, as he wroteChekhov, historical (that is, some stories always happen to him). Today we will tell you how to behave during emergencies. has prepared a “survival guide” for its readers. What to do if a pipe bursts First you need to call the plumbers (phone numbers are often found on information boards in the entrances of houses). The ideal option is when one of your family members is trying to hit the necessary telephone keys with shaking fingers, and the rest of the household is eliminating the consequences of the accident. Our opinion:

  • Telephone numbers of emergency services should be recorded in advance, so as not to waste time at this time, when water without a knock will break into your house;
  • If the breakthrough of a water pipe happened on weekdays, then call the Housing and Utilities Service (Housing Services); and if the disaster overtook you on the weekend, then dial the emergency service number of the water channel.

After help from utilitiesis already in a hurry to help you, you can start the operation "rescue the apartment". In the event that a leak is found on one of the pipes passing through the room of your home, then you need to turn off the valve on the main pipe (this is the one that goes directly from the riser). And if you didn’t manage to find the “magic” lever, then you should remember the OBZH lessons and make a special clamp out of the tourniquet, which will prevent further flooding of the apartment. Our opinion:

  • if you do not find a tow at home, then you can use any material that has the properties of stretching and not letting water pass;
  • if there is a possibility, it is better to gird the pipe not with one but several layers of the material selected by you;
  • tighten the tourniquet better with a gas key rotational movements, about the same as teach to stop blood in the lessons of "first aid."

When supermen from special services arrive toto help you, you should find out in detail about the cause of the flood. After all, practically for all the pipes coming from the riser, the house managing organization answers. And since coping with a wave of claims of irritated neighbors from below is often more difficult than with the pressure of a broken pipe, explaining the cause of the "cataclysm" by plumbers will facilitate your further "proceedings on Herzen." What to do if you have been flooded When it is pouring from abovewater, and you are not on the street, then, most likely, the neighbors above are to blame. We do not advise you to run towards them with eyes full of universal rage, but we recommend that you quickly place the basins (or any other containers) in your apartment in order to prevent the more severe consequences of the flood. Then climb up to your offenders and make surethat they called the relevant specialized organizations. Take a direct part in drawing up an act of what happened, because it depends on whether you receive compensation as provided for by law. Make sure that the commission records in detail the damage caused to your apartment. Subsequently, talk with your neighbors about compensation, and if this was not done (either the neighbors refused to conduct a dialogue with you, or they do not admit their guilt), then feel free to bring a claim to court. What to do if there is a fire in your apartment And again the school curriculum. We sincerely hope that you have not skipped your OBZh lessons. However, if at the time when the teacher was explaining to everyone what to do and where to run in case of fire, you enjoyed watching the freshly released action in the company of Svetka Sokolova, then will gladly give you some valuable advice. If you find smoke, in no case do not panic, but immediately call the rescue service (fortunately, this can be done even without funds on your mobile account). Our opinion:

  • when you call EMERCOM employees, be sure to clearly identify the place of fire and the number of people in the room;
  • close the windows and doors: oxygen - the catalyst of fire.

At the embryonic stage of fire with a fire, you cancope on your own: fill the fire with water, close with a dense cloth (and do not feel sorry for your favorite curtains - life is more expensive) or trample (if possible). If the cause of fire is electric appliances (TV, iron, kettle), then they must be immediately disconnected from the network. If you realized that dealing with fire is more difficult,than with a Sunday morning hangover - water and improvised means do not help - grab an armful of children (if any) and those who need help in getting around, and leave the premises. Our opinion:

  • store documents in a convenient and easily accessible place;
  • leaving the room, attach a wet cloth to your face and breathe only through it - carbon monoxide can be poisoned in a matter of minutes;
  • go down the steps - the elevator can be used is also dangerous;
  • if leaving the apartment through the door is notit is possible, open the window and cry for help. And making sure that you heard, tuck wet towels under the door and lie down on the floor. So you can hold out in a smoky apartment for up to half an hour.

What to do if the neighbors have a fire If the apartment,enveloped in fire, is located above or not below three floors from yours, then run to the street, dialing 112 along the way. If the burning apartment is much lower than yours, it is better to stay at home, while disconnecting the panel with electricity. Our opinion:

  • if the apartment is burning right under you, then water the floor with water - do not regret the parquet, as in the case with curtains, you are more expensive;
  • In case of severe burns, moisten the affected area with cold water and run quickly to the emergency room.

We believe that our readers are sufficiently prudent and will not allow such emergencies to arise in their home. Take care of yourself, and for everything else there is

