Do you think that national motifs in the interior areis it not fashionable at all? Then you should get acquainted with a real example of a cozy and colorful house from Sweden. And perhaps after this your opinion will change A modern house does not always mean fashionable novelties and advanced technologies. The main thing is that a person, being in his abode, feels comfort and coziness. And many can achieve this only by paying tribute to history and adding to their apartments details that our ancestors surrounded themselves with. These little things are as if at a genetic level dear to us and close to the heart. Today, designers like to mix all sorts of styles, while creating unusual interiors. But lately they have increasingly returned to ethnics. And not the one that came from overseas countries, but to their own, folk, native, albeit slightly modernized. An interesting and striking example of this trend can serve as an old Swedish house with a real Scandinavian character.
The house is located in a very picturesque area onborder with Norway and is called Avagarden. It was built in the mid-1850s, and seven years ago it was slightly remodeled. Inside, the home looks very cozy, because it is decorated in the national style - Swedish country. By the way, some furniture has been preserved here since the time of the house's construction and even now harmoniously coexists with its modern "brothers". Most likely, a large family lives here, which honors traditions and respects its roots.
Winters in Sweden, like in Russia, are long and darkand cold, so it is not surprising that the Swedes have always tried to make their homes lighter, choosing a color scheme so that the interior would look lively and cozy in the cold season. Therefore, Avagarden's interior is rich in saturated colors, but all of them are very natural and organic: warm red, burgundy, blue, light blue, green. And a large amount of white and cream - traditional shades of Swedish interiors, like a constant reminder of the coming and long-awaited summer.
Most national styles are characterized byabundance of natural wood, because this material is widespread all over the planet and has helped people in almost all crafts. That is why there is a lot of it in this house: floor, ceiling, walls, furniture. But this only makes it more comfortable. Our opinion: - To make the interior more colorful, it is best to use handmade items. Wicker and embroidered items are perfect for this. And as for furniture, it will look more natural if you do not paint it, but treat it with stain.
This house has a unique atmosphere andthere is a rustic coziness that is so rare in our time. Its heart is undoubtedly the living room, where you just want to settle down on a comfortable sofa and surround yourself with soft pillows. And what is a real Swedish home without a fireplace? It is the most important attribute of the home hearth here. And if you want to have a snack, you can always have a warm family dinner in the spacious kitchen with a very colorful wood-burning stove.
And if the first floor of Avagarden is occupiedвышеупомянутые гостиная и кухня, то в мансарде разместились аж четыре спальни вместе с санузлами. Даже трикотаж и ткани в клеточку здесь оформлены в национальных шведских традициях с использованием этнического орнамента. А вышитые предметы и шкура медведя лишь дополняют общую картинку и словно переносят в прошлое. Наше мнение: — Добавлять в интерьер национальные элементы, конечно, здорово и даже нужно, но тут главное — не перестараться, чтобы дом не превратился в некий музей старины. Поэтому не стоит слишком увлекаться, а лучше подобрать лишь несколько таких ярких элементов.
But if the Swedes can do it, then so can the Russiansstyle has every chance of becoming fashionable. Now a competition for designers, architects and students of specialized universities has started, our resource acted as a partner. The main goal of the competition is to demonstrate all the beauty of traditional Russian decorative elements and show how harmoniously they can fit into a modern interior. After all, our rich history gives a lot of opportunities, which, unfortunately, we often neglect and strive to fill the gaps with foreign culture. More detailed information can be found on the website of the foundation for supporting young designers and architects "Create!" (
Scandinavian style: national color in the design of a modern house