
Aligning the walls with wallpaper putty and primer


Beginning to repair the premises associated withwallpapering, carry out a thorough inspection and alignment of the walls, as their surfaces have various defects. Aligning the walls for wallpaper is necessary in the presence of damage, which can take the form of cracks, holes, hillocks. Wallpaper in the living roomIn order for the wallpaper to lie flat and without flaws,it is necessary to align the walls in advance. At the same time, the walls may lack a common plane. For the creation of an ideal surface, a solution of cement and sand was usually used. There are a number of ways to allow the alignment of walls, each of which depends on the degree of deviation of the wall plane from the permissible standards and the presence of damage. When performing work, the material from which the walls of the room are made is taken into account. The compositions used for alignment may have different purposes and properties that are characteristic of them. You can not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what kind of material you can qualitatively level the walls for wallpapering.

Aligning the walls with wallpaper putty

Back to contents</a> Preparatory work Tools for wall leveling. When the old wallpaper is removed, you can find that the surface of the walls is covered with cracks or pits no higher than 30 mm high. To create an ideal surface, you should use materials with tools such as:

  • Gypsum putty "Rotband" or "Fugenfuller".
  • Spatulas.
  • Level.
  • Rule or flat board.
  • Cord (twine).
  • A wide spatula (up to 400 mm) is applied by putty, andnarrow should choose the composition. Putty, which is able to congeal in one day with a sufficiently large deposited layer (3-5 mm), is more effective. Do not use putty above the norm, since cones and mounds may appear, which will need to be beaten with a hammer after applying the mortar to the walls. Back to contents</a> How to make the markup correctly The scheme of installation of beacons for leveling walls. To obtain a flat plane, you should prepare beacons for each of the four corners of the room. Marking is done by arbitrarily applying in the corners of small parts of gypsum plaster in a dense state. This will expose the point beacons. Using the building rule, as well as the level, with the help of the solution vertically create beacon strips with the use of putty. They should ideally be leveled according to the level. Then the composition should dry for 3-12 hours, which will depend on the layer of putty that is applied to the walls. Therefore putty putty taking into account the optimal thickness. When the point beacons have dried, use a rule and a wide spatula to apply a putty mix on each axis from the beacons. Applying the rule, the mass should be ground until a closed loop is obtained. Before leveling the walls, prepare a rule, the length of which is much smaller than the width of the walls, three places stretch twine or cord. After pulling the cord from the putty, an additional vertical should be applied. The mating lines should form a space that is filled with putty and leveled with a spatula. Back to contents</a>

    How to level the walls with your own hands qualitatively: recommendations

    The process of plastering walls. To thoroughly surface the surfaces before the wallpapering, beginning the leveling of the walls, take into account all the nuances associated with the correct conduct of the preparatory phase and the performance of work. In order for the wallpaper to lie flat and last longer, the entire technological process with aesthetic value should be strictly observed. In general, the alignment process depends on the initial state of the walls. If you need to repair the premises of a house that has recently been built, then before they level the walls under the wallpaper, they should be covered with plaster. Then they must be puttied. The plaster can be applied to a brick surface, gas or foam concrete. Prepare the composition, observing the ratio of the components of the mixture consisting of 4 parts of sand (fine-grained) and 1 part of cement. As a result, it is possible to obtain a material that is coarse-grained. It is applied with a spatula up to 2 cm thick. The use of a cement-sand mortar will help to level the walls, which have the greatest flaws. The wall will dry completely after 2-3 weeks. It should be applied with a primer to ensure a good adhesion between the layers. Gypsum based plaster is best suited. It has the property of good air flow, and it includes only environmentally friendly components. Use the start and finish putty, which is determined by the particle size in its composition. To apply the first layer (2-3 mm), the starting filler is diluted with water to obtain a liquid with a consistency of thick sour cream. All ratios are specified by the manufacturer on the package. Since the mixture can dry very quickly, it is used immediately after preparation, but not more than 1 kg. Apply it with spatulas. One spatula is applied to the wall at an angle, then the mixture is smeared. The final stage in the alignment of the walls isgrinding. Next, start from the floor and move to the ceiling. To apply uniform, all hand movements with a spatula alternate. They should be horizontal and vertical. After applying the starting layer, the surface of the wall is cleaned for the next day. For this, special grids are used. A respirator should be used during this procedure. Next, the surface should be primed again to apply a layer of putty, which is the finishing coat. She put a layer of 1-2 mm thick. When applying, repeat the step of leveling with the starting putty. The entire surface must be white. Since the material is fine-grained, it will hide all unevenness. He must dry for a few hours. Next, grind and primer the surface. When the primer is immediately absorbed into the wall, it is applied again. After that, they begin to wallpaper the walls with wallpaper. A number of cases allows you to level the surface only by applying the finish putty. After applying it in a single layer begin to cover the walls with wallpaper. To save time and money, you can level the walls using plasterboard sheets. It is glued with glue or screwed with self-tapping screws. When the sheets are mounted, they are coated by applying a finishing putty. Back to contents</a>

    How to level the walls under the wallpaper and properly primed surface

    Priming of surfaces is required on each of thestages of work execution. The primer is applied using a roller with a telescopic handle. If any small irregularities on the walls are found, you can hide them by gluing on solid wallpaper. Preparing the walls to cover the wallpaper finish, applying a primer. It has the greatest degree of adhesion. Primers can be mixtures that have different additives, for example, waterproofing or fungicidal. Priming the surface can and conventional wallpaper glue, which should be diluted with water in large proportions. Adhesive should be selected depending on what type of wallpaper will be used. They can be paper, vinyl or non-woven. When buying glue, you should carefully read the instructions to it. It is very important in the process of preparing the walls for wallpapering the wallpaper to monitor the level of temperature and humidity in the room.

