
How to lay the laminate yourself: detailed instructions from the pros, material calculation, methods


How to lay the laminate yourself so thatthe result turned out qualitative? It's not as difficult as it might seem at first. First, self-laminate lamination requires compliance with the process of installation technology. And secondly, you need to choose the right material and carefully prepare the surface of the surface. Laminate layingWhen installing laminate panels, care must be taken that the parts go in the direction of the light from the windows.

Selecting and calculating the laminate

Before you lay the laminate yourself,it is necessary to determine the choice of material. It depends on where it will be laid and how it will be used. Therefore, for various purposes, there are several classes of material with indices from 31 to 33. The panels also have different dimensions, differing in thickness and length. The preparatory stage of calculating the laminate for a room. The color scale and texture of the laminate is very diverse, which allows you to choose it for any type of interior. When purchasing material, you should pay attention to the fact that it was all from one lot and did not differ in color. In order to calculate the required number of panels, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room. To do this, the width of the room should be multiplied by its length. It is necessary to count the calculation of the way the laminate is laid, since it depends on how much you need to add material to its total quantity. For example, for laying along a straight line, the increment is 5-7%, and on the diagonal - 10-14%. Back to contents</a>

Surface preparation

For work you will need:

  • polyethylene film;
  • material for cushioning substrate;
  • building scotch.

Laying laminate begins with preparationsurface, ie, the state of the floor is evaluated and the substrate is laid out. If the laminate is laid on concrete, it must be strong, without irregularities, even, clean and dry. Next, a layer of waterproofing is laid on it. For this, dense polyethylene is used in 2 layers, the sheets of which are necessarily located not in the direction of laying the panels, but across. Layout of laminate flooring. The film is laid out all around the perimeter of the room with an allowance on the walls of 3-5 cm. At the same time, for reliability, the sheets overlap each other, securing the joints with adhesive tape. Then a substrate is mounted on the layer of waterproofing under the laminate, which is an extruded polystyrene 2-3 mm thick or a natural cork cloth. Lay the laminate can be, without removing the old coating, for example, on linoleum. In this case, it should be absolutely smooth, without any folds, tears and blisters. It is important that the surface is strictly horizontal. Then the linoleum should be thoroughly rinsed and allowed to dry completely. After this, a layer of waterproofing is laid on it to protect it from moisture. As it uses a film of polyethylene, which has a special polystyrene coating. Further, the substrate is laid out no thicker than 4 mm, which unfolds around the perimeter of the room and is fixed with the help of construction tape. Back to contents</a>

Laminate laying

To lay out the laminate, you will need:

  • laminate;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • wedges;
  • clamp;
  • electric jigsaw.

Variants of laying laminate. When installing the laminate, it must be remembered that in no case can it be laid out in rooms with high humidity, for example, in bathrooms. First of all, before work, the material in unopened packs should lie at room temperature for 2-3 days. Then you can proceed to its installation, starting from the far corner of the room perpendicular to the window. This is necessary to ensure that the joints between the panels are less visible. Self-lamination of laminate boards begins along the wall by fastening the end faces of two panels. In this case, the first of them should be the whole, and the last one in the row, if necessary, is carefully trimmed to fit the size. Laying the first two laminate boards, you need to install special spacer wedges that provide a gap between the panels and the wall (up to 1.5 cm). They are needed so that in the future the laminate is not lifted, and he was able to freely contract and expand. To facilitate snapping of the panels, they are locked with a lock. The beginning of the next row is executed from the board, which is previously cut in half. Next, the laminate is laid in staggered order. At the same time, a beautiful texture is formed on the floor, and the base itself is more reliable and resistant to high loads. Each panel of the second row is inserted into the groove of the previous laminate panels at an angle of 20 ° and snaps into place. Sequence laying the laminate. In forming this series, you do not need to snap the panels on the ends, ie, on the short side, you just have to try. After all the boards in the row are laid, they are docked and pinned using a hammer and a bar. In this case, the bar is necessary in order not to damage the surface of the laminate. Then, by analogy, you need to lay the remaining rows in the room. Installation of the last row, located at the wall, is performed using a clamp. With its help, you can easily connect one panel to another. To increase the strength and durability of the flooring from the laminate, it is recommended to grease the joints of the boards with a special glue composition. To do this, first a thin layer of glue is applied to the joint of the panel, then it is inserted into the groove until it clicks. After that, it is held for a few seconds in a horizontal position. Then the following elements are mounted in the same way. All obstacles in the room, such as pipes, can be bent with a jigsaw. After all the laminate is laid on the floor surface, skirting boards are mounted. In the event that to interfere with any interference, you need to cut down the part of the lock in this place, and then fix the panel with a special glue. Back to contents</a>

How correctly to look after a laminate?

To ensure that the flooring is as good as possiblelonger and had an attractive appearance, it must be properly taken care of. If small damages appear on the laminate on the installation, they can be repaired with a special filler applied to the base color. In the event that there is linoleum under the surface of the laminate, it must be protected from penetration of excess moisture. For this, all joints between panels should be regularly coated with a special sealing agent based on wax. On the surface of the laminate in no case should not get water. It is recommended to install felt liners under the legs of the furniture, and to use the chairs with soft rollers. This is necessary in order to exclude damage to the coating in the form of scratches. Floors covered with laminate can be vacuumed, and traces of dirt can be removed with a damp cloth. In no case can they be polished and used for cleaning abrasive materials. Caring for the surface of the laminate, you can use special tools for this. If you follow the rules of care for a floor covering, it will last much longer.

