After writing this article, the entire editorial staff wanted to live in the attic. Why? Because we were told about the mansard the sweetest truth
Many people think that attics only make sense inCountry houses. However, this is not the case. We decided to talk about the experience of designing attics and personal attitude to this phenomenon with the head of the bureau "4 Furies" Marianna Dosadina. By the way, the office office is located on the attic floor of one of the buildings of the loft-block "Danilovskaya manufactory." Related articles
- Attic ... This word itself gives rise to associations withSomething mysterious, original. Ever since the times of the pioneer childhood, I wanted to touch, cuddle, get used to, in general - to get a house with an attic for my personal use.
And now it came true! I'm sitting in my attic studio at the computer and typing this text.
For me, the designer to the ends of multi-coloredNails, there is nothing more insulting than the "standard layout", but the attic ... gives rise to a whirlwind of interior ideas - because the height of the premises allows everything!
And the windows in the roof - this is so much light for nothing. You can use dark, deaf colors, you can arrange a small garden, you can hang a swing. Any original variant here will be appropriate. Atmosphere of the attic creates an elusive flair of freedom and creativity.
There are, of course, and cons, you will not guess about themImmediately. In the winter, while you are sleeping sweetly in the early morning, labor-workers are already trampling right above your head, cleaning the snow on the roof. Well, look a couple of times in your bedroom from above, but you're beautiful! But what kind of clouds are floating over Moscow!
In the attic floor it is easy to organize a realFireplace, this guarantees luxurious autumn parties and winter "felting" on the skins near the fire. The smell of the hearth for a couple of days will be in your interiors and in your dreams, and it's great! In the summer, the room with windows in the roof is mercilessly heated by the sun, you need to close, save yourself from burns, but you can feel like it is at a resort. Also a bonus.
In general, in the attic, it is incomprehensibly significantThe circle of your home studies expands, everything acquires special significance and life is filled with new meanings. For my customers in a country house from the second attic floor, we made a large private sitting room with a staircase to the very top of the attic, where you can retire with your closest friends to "have a cup of tea and dream", disconnect from the outside world. Related articles
Such oases of silence are more and more necessary with a modern abundance of information. Where else can you talk to yourself without having to be online?
I really love the attic floors for the uniqueness of the perception of space, the lack of stereotypes, for the creative spirit that they give.