Do you think it's time to change something?And you think correctly! Until the brightest time of the year, there is already quite a bit, it's time to add new colors to life and to the interior. Today we will try to inspire you to new achievements with an amazing selection of 15 examples of colored ceilings. Did you know that a lot depends on: from the psychological state and mood to blood pressure. The vast majority of people, when choosing the color of the ceiling, do not hesitate to paint it white. However, at we are against stereotypes, especially when it comes to interior design. So, we invite you to take a look at the ceilings painted in different shades of color and get inspired for new design achievements. To begin with, we suggest taking a look at the antonymouscontrast to the traditional white ceiling -. This color is associated with luxury, nobility, grace. The main thing is that the rest of the interior filling of the space is consistent. If you are thin, sensual, then pink is your option. And do not adhere to the opinion that this is a girl's color. And those who will not be able to venture into the pink ceiling, we suggest looking at the shade of the Marsala. Why make the ceiling white? Better leave this shade for the walls! And for the ceiling and green is not bad. The interior, executed in pastel colors, looks extremely delicate. The ceiling in this case should not be knocked out from the general color scale. Do not forget that you can add interesting illumination (in the form of ceiling lamps for example) to the colored ceiling, which will give the main tone interesting shades. Having decided to experiment with the color of the ceiling, do not get carried away. And if you get carried away, do not be afraid to finish it ... Of course, it is not necessary to paint the entire ceiling ... Materials used in the ceiling for the floor? Why not? But such an option for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen is offered by the interior designer Sergey Alekseev. Inclusions in the form of "bubbles", corresponding to the general color stylistics of the interior. Materials used in the ceiling finish canvariety. For example, the Russian design studio Geometrix Design proposes to use wood and leather, and the ceiling itself is inscribed in the concept of a single interior space. Do not run out of talent on the Russian land - we introduce you to the designer from Moscow Elena Samarina. Look, what interior solutions apartment sky above your head it offers.