Design and Decor

Design a small bathroom: how to make a room comfortable


You got an apartment with a small bathroom. Funds or time for its overhaul and cardinal design is not, and so you want even in this tiny space to feel comfortable. Our tips will help you achieve this without much time and money. You should never give up, even if there is a big problem in front of you in the form of a tiny bathroom. Examine the room carefully, imagine what you would like to change in it. And to begin with, free it from everything that is stacked in the lockers, on the shelves, under the sink. Already at this stage you will find a lot of things that have long been thrown away.

Council first

Now find a place for everything you needto you in your bathroom. Do not be confused by the fact that there is a lot of this necessary. This is a bathroom, not a living room. There are many more items needed for personal hygiene, beauty and spa treatments. If you arrange everything as it is convenient for you, then it will be much more pleasant for you to be in the bathroom. Our opinion: - Get rid of the habit of stocking up on cleaning and detergents for the future. Now there are no problems with purchasing them. In a small bathroom, they only clutter up cabinets and shelves, taking away space from the really necessary items.

Council of the second

It follows directly from the first.If you decide to have all the accessories at hand, arrange them so that it is convenient for you to use them. In order to save space, it is not at all necessary to put everything in one big beautiful box, and then look for the necessary things in it for a long time. Let there be a lot of boxes, shelves, cabinets. Let these be open niches. It's okay if your personal belongings are in plain sight. But you don't have to find it every time. Our opinion: - Borrow kitchen functionality: use hooks, magnetic strips, mobile shelves for the items you need. Even if this makes the bathroom seem cluttered, you shouldn't sacrifice personal comforts.

Council of the third

Regardless of the presence of a window in the bathroom,try to provide the places in which you most often perform some procedures: take a bath, wash your face, paint (shave), style your hair, etc. Directional lighting will make you feel much more comfortable. Maria Gubina, architect-designer: - If there are no opportunities for expanding the bathroom, but you want comfort and coziness, it is worth using time-tested techniques: hang the sink and cabinet on the wall, and install a wall-mounted toilet if possible; at the bottom of the bathtub box, make a small niche for the legs, so that it is convenient to approach it. Avoid cluttering a small bathroom with many open shelves. The objects that are located on them are small in size and will visually litter the space. Hang in medium-sized closed cabinets and a few accessories: a soap dish, brush cup, towel holder, a couple of hooks. Indeed, in any room it is important to correctly observe the scale, then it will be pleasant to be in it.

Council Fourth

Try to visually expand the spaceyour bathroom. To do this, use various simple techniques. For example, if you have a shower cabin, it is better if it is glass. Glass gives a feeling of openness, which means a visual increase in volume. Make them big. Then the bathroom will "acquire" additional dimensions. Asya Bondareva, interior designer: - To visually increase the space, I would recommend to do without bath curtains. Better to replace them with clear glass. This way no corners will overlap. In my opinion, in a small bathroom you need to get away from the heap of shelves and cabinets. It is best to leave only the drawers in the underframe of the sink. A well-organized space in them will allow you to store all the necessary items there. A large number of towel hooks are best replaced with crossbars in the bath area and in the sink area. This will allow you not to clutter up the walls of the room.

Council Five

Even in a very small bathroombe a place where you can comfortably retire for a few minutes. Let it be a small corner behind the curtain, where your favorite fluffy towels hang, or a massage mat for the feet, on which it is so nice to take off the day's stress. Add at your discretion a couple of items, things that will provide you personally comfort in the bathroom, and you will be more willing to spend time there.

