
The construction on the wall of plasterboard for TV and books


Drywall is a universal buildingmaterial from which you can do almost everything. Today, a variety of niches and shelves are particularly popular, which are heated to the surface of the wall. All of them are assembled from plasterboard, they are externally monolithic construction with a wall. Shelves and niches can perform a variety of functions, most often they are used for books or TV. There are also original gypsum plasterboard imitations of fireplaces, in the furnace of which it is possible to place an electric fireplace or beautiful and bright candles. To make designs from gypsum board, it is necessary not so much. It is important to first draw a sketch, after which, based on it, draw a drawing. Example of niche from GLK for TVThe gypsum board niche serves as an additionalprotection for the TV. Materials for work need the simplest. Usually this is a metal profile and the plasterboard itself, self-tapping screws. If the work is planned to be done during the repair in the room, then the process is only simplified. In the frame for wall sheathing, a niche is provided, then it is sheathed.

Niche for TV and books

Tools for the installation of drywall. Often, as a beautiful plasterboard construction, a convenient and large niche is used, which can simultaneously be used as shelves for books and souvenirs. In such a niche is perfectly fit modern flat TV or a rare copy for lovers of antiquity. The very design can be issued in any style, from ultra-modern to retro style. There are many ideas for creativity. In the cavities of the shelf you can disguise all cables, including antenna outlets, and sockets for household appliances. From the advantages of such a design it is necessary to note: Scheme of proper joining of plasterboard sheets.

  • Easy assembly, no need to purchase expensive materials.
  • The installation itself is carried out as soon as possible, wet processes are almost not used, the exception is only plastering or painting the surface.
  • Behind the sheets of the GKL you can conduct the necessary engineering communications, henceforth the wires will no longer interfere with your legs. This is especially important if there are small children or animals at home.
  • The TV monitor can be positioned at a convenient, pre-planned height. In addition, it will be reliably protected.
  • A similar design with a niche looks likeattractive. If necessary, it is possible to use absolutely any style for its design, which corresponds to the general interior of the room. It is not only modern and bold high-tech, but also romanticism, a strict classical style.
  • If possibilities permit, then the design canoccupy the whole wall. In addition to the shelf for the TV, you can arrange a comfortable bookcase, make various figured notches, organize a place for the aquarium. Back to contents</a>

    Manufacturing of a niche from plasterboard

    An example of a sketch of a niche under gypsum board. The very process of manufacturing begins with the fact that it is necessary to plan the construction and installation of a niche from plasterboard. To do this, a sketch is initially drawn up, you can do it even by hand, after which all measurements are taken on the spot. For such measurements it is necessary to use a tape measure, ruler, a simple pencil. Since the wallpaper will be removed, you can easily draw a pencil directly on the wall. During such work every detail is taken into account, it is necessary to know not only the dimensions of the TV, but also the safe depth for its installation. It is important to consider where the cable outlets will be located. Important loads that will be provided on the structure of the frame. If you plan to put not only a TV, then the frame will have to be strengthened. For this purpose special bars are used. Further, you can start preparing materials and tools for work: Types of profiles for drywall.

    • A special metal profile designed for working with GKL sheets;
    • drywall;
    • self-tapping screws for working with plasterboard;
    • reinforcing tape for the decoration of joints and corners;
    • special glue;
    • putty;
    • a Bulgarian or scissors for cutting metal;
    • drill;
    • Screwdriver;
    • ruler, simple pencil, tape measure, building level, plumb bob;
    • putty knife;
    • finishing materials for the future niche.

    After this, you can begin work on the arrangementniches. To ensure that the structure is assembled quickly and smoothly, first the marking is performed on the wall surface. To do this, you must use the drawing already drawn up, you need a building level, a metal ruler and a pencil. The layout will depend on the type of profiles, their width, so you can not forget about this circumstance. It is necessary to immediately apply all the lines on the wall, make notes that will help in the installation. Professionals do this rarely, but for a beginner, the grades will only help. Back to contents</a>

    Layout and installation

    Types of fixing the profile for gypsum board. After the markup is ready, we need to start cutting the materials. For this, the plasterboard is laid on a flat surface, which is perfectly suited to the floor. On the pencil sheet, the lines of the individual parts are applied, the first to cut out the large parts with which the wall will be sewed, and the smaller ones cut out in the last place. This will save the GKL sheets. Cut best with a sharp knife. If there is a need for a curved cut, then it is recommended to prepare the template. Next, the frame is being assembled, it is necessary to take into account all the features that design is different. It is necessary to start with vertical racks, they are fixed with screws to the surface of the wall, the transverse profiles are installed last. Technology of the device of partitions from plasterboard. To fix them, the construction level is used, since even a slight discrepancy in verticality can have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the entire future niche. For fastening of frame metal strips, self-tapping screws, metal corners, and hangers are used. The profile is cut by the Bulgarian. If it is necessary to perform curvilinear fragments, the profile is cut on one side, after which the desired shape is accurately given to it. After that you can start to fix drywall. Use for this job better self-tapping. Since the sheets have already been cut, it is necessary to proceed to the plating on the basis of the drawing and the pre-made markings. The most difficult areas are attached first, the outer covering will be made last. During work, ensure that self-tapping screws are not twisted at an angle. All of them should go exactly, the heads should be slightly inundated in sheets. When the cladding is finished, you can begin to seal the joints. This will require a special putty mix, a narrow even spatula and a reinforcing ribbon-serpyanka. The mixture is diluted with water in a plastic container to the required consistency, after which it can be applied to joints and corners, fastening points. Stages of creating a drywall niche.The mixture is not applied to the surface of the sheet itself, since it is already quite even and smooth. Serpyanka is used for joints. A special metal outer and inner corner can be used to decorate the corners, which ensures excellent quality. The putty is applied in such a way that the mass is pressed into the seam, after which the remains are gently spread with a spatula over the surface. The seam should be smooth. All corners and fasteners are processed in the same way, after which the niche is left to dry. The finishing stage is decorating the structure, for this you can use a variety of materials. Most often, drywall is painted or covered with a layer of decorative plaster. But you can also use wooden decorative panels, imitation of gypsum stucco molding, even ordinary wallpaper. It all depends on the imagination and the general interior of the room. increasingly began to be used as a full-fledged interior element. They are functional, if necessary, they play the role of shelves, stands for household appliances, they are even used to divide too large a room. It is not difficult to make such a niche with your own hands, the simplest materials are used for this.

