As it turned out, the homes of the future can not onlysave electricity and clean the air, but also monitor the health of the owners. But why are we talking about the future? Such houses already exist. One of them is our today's story. Antonia Fahrney Residence is an energy-efficient project created on the principle of a passive house. During the construction, only environmentally friendly materials were used, based on the most common land. One of the most striking features of the project -ventilation and air filtration system. The house is designed in such a way that air from the outside does not leak inside by itself, but entered the living quarters already completely cleaned. The ventilation system also filters the air in the bathrooms and in the kitchen. Finishing materials of this house, according to the promises of itsthe creator, Zero E Design, can save hosts from the need to use the services of doctors. The fact is that all building materials used in the project self-generate negatively charged ions, which, as you know, have a positive effect on the health of the body, forcing it to absorb and use more oxygen, which means it is filled with energy.