How to prolong the warm summer mood and pleasantmemories of your vacation? Is it possible to capture them in autumn interior changes? In what space of the house can all this be done? Another season of mass vacations is ending, as is country life, outings into nature, dinners in summer cafes. Now you will spend more time in the kitchen, and this fact should not upset you as something inevitable and routine, but please you - as a novelty of taste and visual sensations. We will show you five great ideas for bringing a fresh note to the interior of the room where you cook food in the form of an unusual decor of a kitchen apron. Down with boring tiles, expensive glass, trivial paint! You are quite capable of handling the embodiment of the idea you like yourself, after which it will be more fun to cook here, and there will be a reason to show your guests. Pebbles Just recently you were basking on the beach, and now you are shivering under a light blanket on cool evenings? There is an opportunity to warm up in another, active way, and even settle a piece of summer in your kitchen. We suggest you decorate the wall surface above the cutting area and above the stove with ordinary pebbles. Well, not ordinary... Of course, you will have to select it by color and caliber, depending on the pattern and texture of the future apron, as you have conceived it. For the sake of an amazing effect, it is worth trying and collecting a couple of buckets of this building material, fortunately, the weather still allows you to wander along the sea or river bank. To make such an apron, you will need:
- Pebbles;
- Cement mortar;
- putty knife;
- brush;
- Colorless varnish for finishing.
The process itself is simple and exciting.You'll love it! Just lay the pebbles on the wall, laying them flat or on edge in the cement mortar applied to the wall. Start working from the bottom so that the pebbles support each other, but don't forget to hold each pebble for a while so that it takes its place securely. After the entire apron has dried, wipe its surface with a damp sponge, removing excess cement splashes. Wait a little longer and cover the surface with clear varnish. Now you can call your friends and invite them to visit.
Wine corks Don't want to bring them into the interiorkitchen brutality using pebbles? Perhaps you will like another idea - to lay out an apron from wine corks. It is even easier, thanks to the lightness of the source material. You will need:
- Corks from wine bottles;
- Building glue;
- brush;
- Cutter or sharp knife;
- Varnish for finishing works.
If you've been collecting wine corks just in casefor many years, you can glue them to the wall entirely. True, then the contact surface of the cork with the wall will be smaller, which threatens a sudden exposure of the work front due to a fallen off part. It is better to cut each cork lengthwise, and if you have decided to lay out an intricate pattern and are ready to do it for a long time and painstakingly, you can cut the material across, so to speak, "into heels". Open another bottle of wine for inspiration - and get creative!
Tree Next of the eco-friendly optionskitchen apron finishing material - wood. Your choice: slats, planks, parquet, laminate - whatever your imagination and skill allow you to come up with. The method of fastening depends on the material. You will probably need:
- A tree in one form or another;
- Building glue or nails with a hammer;
- The tool for cutting a cloth;
- brush;
- Paint or varnish.
We will suggest an option for the most economical and handy:Use disassembled pallets to finish the wall above the countertop. In this case, you will need to add a nail puller, sandpaper or an electric sander to the tool. The result will be incredibly inexpensive and beautiful!
Mirror tiles Glass in the apron decoration —is not a new idea. The originality is that we suggest using not transparent glass, but reflective surfaces. This could be mirror tiles, narrow or square, or uneven pieces of plastic or metal covered with amalgam. Take your pick, and depending on your choice, don't forget to take:
- Adhesive for plastic or metal;
- A base of wood or other material on which you will attach details, forming blocks;
- Fasteners for connecting blocks to the wall.
Of course, such a surface is more difficult to maintain, but the beauty is worth the effort. And let your face always be reflected in a complimentary way in this mirror apron!
Wallpaper patchwork And finally, what youyou probably least expect. Wallpaper. Yes, wallpaper. . Take everything at once, take it out, lay it out and start mentally composing a picture from it. What you are doing, following our advice, is called paper patchwork. Imagine, this is how you can decorate a fashionable kitchen, where it will be pleasant to go, and every time you see such an unusual apron, you will want to smile. So, you will need:
- All the rolls in the house and the remains of the wallpaper;
- Wallpaper glue;
- The basis on which you will glue squares or rectangles, it is better to take plywood;
- Scissors or clerical knife;
- Ruler;
- Adhesive for plywood or self-tapping screws for fastening the finished apron to the wall;
- Colorless varnish or toughened glass.
There is no need to describe the process.Look at the photos and come up with your own unique pattern. Don't rush to immediately stick the details on the wall or the base - the visual concept may change in the creative process. But in any case, your decor will be unique, not to mention its cost from the "cheaper - only for free" category.