We want to tell you how to create onan example of a unique project developed by Moscow designers, embodied in soft pastel colors. This is a virtuoso solution to the problem of combining beauty and convenience in a small area. The presented home is really small: only 45 square meters. The architectural concept contains some elements of the loft style: this is indicated by painted brickwork, restrained monochromatic colors, materials with the texture of natural wood.
The small size of the room forced the designerscome up with something that ensured the overall feeling of freedom was maintained. The bed is placed on a small elevation to visually separate the bedroom from the living room and offer additional space for storing things. At the same time, the absence of unnecessary partitions allows the living room, kitchen and bedroom to flow smoothly into each other, and the delicate, airy colors create a positive mood.
Simplicity and elegance go hand in hand herehand, leaving the impression that this cute apartment is a quiet haven in the middle of the raging outside world. Bright but gentle tones combined with a wooden countertop add coziness to the small kitchen.
The dining area, imitating the atmosphere of a coffee shop, adds sophistication to the rather modest interior. complete this unconventional move.
On the balcony, seats are made from repainted army boxes that can be used as storage space.
The bathroom is also decorated in the general trend for this project, but the crossword puzzle on the wall and the black honeycomb floor tiles add a touch of originality.
According to the authors, this one is more suitable for a romantic young woman, for whom it will be cozy and comfortable.
Materials kindly provided by Int2 architecture studio (Moscow).
Functional loft-interior of a small apartment