House and Cottage

House area of ​​82 meters: repair by yourself -


How to create a modern interior in a smallhome, convenient and safe for a small child, and yet functional and beautiful? In our article - useful and practical advice from a young family that has made repairs in its tiny house entirely with their own hands Ben and Viv Yapp and their one-year-old son Cavi (Covey) live in a house with a total area of ​​82 square meters, remade from an old cowshed on a dairy farm. Restructuring and alteration of old buildings in London is a long time habitual and even fashionable. But this case is special, because everything is done solely by one's own non-professional hands: from laying wooden floors and painting walls to restoring an antique chair found on a flea market. True, Viv believes that she has an essentialadvantage over neighbors. She is a person close to modern art, an art director in a small London advertising agency and an illustrator. Nevertheless, the restoration and repair of the house became the first building and decorating experience of the family. And they started from the main place in the house - from the nursery.Because the whole idea was connected with the birth of a son, whom the happy parents wanted to give and experiments. Even the alphabet hanging over the bed is not a typical print bought at a local hypermarket, but an art object in which each letter was drawn by friends and relatives who came to visit the couple to look at the newborn. One of the books on the shelf is called When You Get Older. It was written for his son Ben, and Viv did the illustrations. Viv Yapp, owner: — Мы не слишком задумывались над стилями — брали то, что нам нравилось, и пытались сочетать. Получилась смесь современных и винтажных элементов, немного органики и очень много уюта. Возможно, это прозвучит довольно банально, но я вдохновляюсь искусством, точнее — тем, что сделано руками человека, а не станком. Даже цвет стен иногда подгадывала под графику, которую на них повешу. Но наша . Мы её целиком сделали сами, каждый ящик. Только столешницу заказывали в фирме, которая занимается сложными работами по дереву — столешница дубовая. The most difficult was, recognize young parents,to fit in a small space all children's things and useful adaptations so that there is no feeling that everyone lives in one big nursery. On the other hand, they did not want to limit their son - and therefore it was necessary to make the whole house safe for him. All the "adult" pieces of furniture were selected taking into account the junior member of the team: tables round or with rounded corners, light chairs, radiators with soft ends, etc. from his grandfather. But the chairs had to be bought on the flea market. Ben was very unhappy at first - too scary they had a look. But after Viv had painted them again and plentifully with a new cloth, they became his favorite objects in the house. Viv and Ben say - looking at their interior, no onedoes not believe that he was not working with a professional. Those who want to give their small dwelling a "designer" look, they advise less to think about directions and more - about objects and things that really like, artists that attract. According to the pair, people just need to be bolder in mixing a variety of objects and colors.

