
How easy it is to update your home and garden: 10 secret tricks


To renovate a house or homestead,only a couple of days off. Today we will tell you about how to improve your house and garden productively and without serious expenses. There are several ways to update the interior without undertaking serious expensive repairs. Rearranging the furniture, replacing the fittings and updating the color of the walls, you will be surprised how your home has been transformed!

1. Create an open space in the house

More and more people are giving up smallisolated rooms, preferring open space. Now it is not necessary to separate the kitchen from the dining room, and the dining room from the living room with the help of walls and doors. But there is also a much easier way to expand the space without destroying the walls. Get rid of bulky furniture that "overloads" your interior. If it is not possible to get rid of it completely, arrange it around the room in such a way as to let in more light into the room. There is another effective way to add space to the room (at least visually). Paint the furniture to match the walls. Thus, your wardrobes, bedside tables and dressers will merge into one whole with the general background of the room. Mirrors will also come to the rescue. By hanging them next to the window, you will let in twice as much light into the room.

2. Additional lighting

Poorly lit room seems smaller thanit is in fact. Take care of the additional lighting of your apartment. Well, if the variations of artificial lighting will be somewhat: a chandelier, built-in light bulbs, table and floor lamps, sconces. This way you can adjust the brightness of the light and its direction.

3. Pay attention to the little things

At first glance, such small details asdoorknobs don't seem like a big deal when it comes to interior refurbishment. But this is not the case. Old untidy handles of doors and cupboards in the kitchen and bathroom spoil the overall look of the interior. But replacing them is as easy as shelling pears! Bronze or copper, shiny or matte - there are so many options that it is sometimes difficult to decide which is right for your home. Try a few variations and try not to get too hung up on the rules. An old kitchen will be transformed if you screw modern handles to the doors. At the same time, the new designer kitchen will look sophisticated and eclectic with retro aged handles.

4. Do not forget the windows

If you are lucky and from your window opensa beautiful view of a lake or forest is wonderful. But sometimes it happens that the windows of the apartment go straight to the windows of the neighbor. Of course, in this case, it is still better to use curtains. Heavy curtains will protect you from bright sunlight, blinds are easy to use, bamboo curtains are eco-friendly, weightless and flying materials will make the room airy. The choice of curtains is most often the finishing touch in the decoration of the room, so make sure that they are in harmony with the interior. Our opinion: - If you have a small apartment or you just want to make the room visually more spacious - choose curtains of the same color as the color of the walls. The curtains will blend in with the overall interior of the room, making it appear larger.

5. Arrange the veranda

Surely in any, even the smallest privatethe house has a veranda. Turn it into a cozy outdoor room. To do this, you only need a couple of chairs, a small sofa and a table. Over time, the veranda can be improved by building a roof and hanging curtains. You can even put a small fireplace to keep you warm on cool evenings. Even if your house does not provide for the possibility of adding a veranda, you can always put a small one on the site. Its construction will not take you more than a couple of days off, but all summer you can comfortably relax in nature.

6. Take care of the landscape

Homeowners are often overlookedmind that competent landscaping will transform the facade of any house. Even if you are not a specialist in landscape design, plant a couple of flowering shrubs that do not require special care at the entrance at the gate. You can read more about how to make a site cozy and beautiful. Our opinion: - Before you start landscaping the site, consult with the owners of the nearest greenhouses or just with your neighbors. Surely they will be happy to tell you which flowers are best suited for a given soil, which shrubs are best to plant along the fence, what kind of grass to choose for the lawn.

7. Liquid wallpaper

Let's go back to the decoration of the room.Most often when the word "repair" people have quite justified associations with re-gluing wallpaper. This is not an easy occupation. You need to free the floor in order to spread rolls of wallpaper on it, prepare glue, which often also ends up on the floor, make sure that the joints are the least noticeable, select a pattern - and many other important nuances. Now the so-called "liquid wallpaper" has become popular on the building materials market. In essence, it is a decorative plaster based on natural cellulose fiber. It is applied with a spatula to the prepared wall. Surfaces covered with such wallpaper breathe well and do not form dampness and greenhouse effect. In addition, these wallpapers are easy to remove and reuse.

8. Bathroom

Even .Do a general cleaning, and then soberly assess the condition of your bathroom. Perhaps you don't have to completely change the plumbing and spend a few days replacing the tiles? Start by replacing a few outdated items like a shower curtain, rug, or faucet. Put a lamp or small plant in the bathroom, hang a new mirror and nice towels.

9. For men only

It so happens that some male subjectsinterior (for example, an old leather chair, a stuffed wild boar or a billiard table) by no means fit into the general interior of the house. In order not to violate the integrity of the interior and at the same time to respect the interests of all family members, organize a "men's room" in the loft style. A garage, basement, attic or shed is perfect for this. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of a "man's den" where you can gather with friends in a comfortable atmosphere. Put a bar, refrigerator, foosball, a couple of armchairs and a speaker system there. Believe me, men will appreciate such a room!

10. Add colors

Before starting repairs, rearrangements orany other procedures for updating the dwelling, decide on what exactly does not suit you. Perhaps your home just does not have enough fresh paint? Recolor one or more walls, add a bright accent to the calm interior in light colors or change the color of the ceiling. Sometimes the minimal changes drastically change the whole atmosphere in the room.

