The most comfortable and homely space in conditionsany living space is, of course, the kitchen. There are a great many options for organizing and decorating it, we have put together a small but very practical collection. Use it! How much do we know about the kitchen? And how much do we not know ... Today we offer you to replenish your stock of practical information and, trusting the experience of experts, update, improve, ennoble and paint your most important corner of warmth and family gatherings. Kitchenware: 12 tips and 30 examples of its storage How often do you encounter a mess in the kitchen? Isn't this the best way to forever lose the desire to cook? But today there are a lot of not only functional, but also very beautiful techniques for organizing kitchen utensils. You will certainly discover several completely unexpected options for placing not only dishes, but also the most necessary things, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen.
5 ideas and 40 examples of wardrobe arrangementsink What do you store under the sink in the kitchen? A trash can and a couple of cleaning products? You are simply wasting precious space! We have collected a whole collection of ideas - what, how and why should be stored under the sink. Decorator Yulia Borisova and interior designer Elena Krylova ennobled this cherished corner and even told how to decorate it correctly.
What kind of sink to choose for the kitchen There arekitchens without a stove, without an oven, and even without a refrigerator, but kitchens without a sink do not exist in nature. Even if you do not bake pies every Saturday, one day you will probably have to wash an apple. But how do you choose the right sink that will suit you, last long enough, and please the eye? We found out how to choose the best sink specifically for your kitchen.
How and what to decorate a kitchen apron with All of uswe know the answer to this question - tiles, of course, what else? Well, no! There are a great many options, and today you will get acquainted, if not with the entire list, then with almost its full version. Interior designer Irina Krivtsova will be your guide in this difficult matter of choice. We believe and hope that they will come in handy. Well, if you have any questions, write, we will try to answer in the most detailed way.
How to arrange several kitchen areas in 48 hours"holes" where you can hide supplies Is your kitchen no longer able to cope with the flow of new appliances and kitchen utensils? Do you think that you have exhausted all the possibilities of your kitchen set and even "climbed" onto the cutting table? Rejoice! There are still options, and . There are even very creative and spectacular ones. True, you will have to work hard. But what won't you do for the sake of your favorite kitchen!
Kitchen with island:why is it needed, how to organize it correctly What do you know about a kitchen island? A bourgeois invention, appropriate only in the interiors of Hollywood films or in the huge 400-meter kitchen of some star? But no, a kitchen island can be organized even in conditions of a rather modest footage. And here's how to do it correctly and why - you: interior designers Stanislav Orekhov, Irina Krivtsova and Elena Krylova. Read and get inspired.
How to store pans:25 Incredible Ideas Are you sure you store your frying pans correctly? Do you think this is a stupid and inappropriate question? Not at all. The speed and quality of your culinary experiments depend on the comfortable placement of your kitchen utensils. However, that's not all you'll learn from . With the right approach, you'll be able to not only organize a new storage system, but also effectively decorate your favorite kitchen.
The most popular types of countertops arefind a whole hit parade of the most popular types of the most important part of the work area of any kitchen space. The most detailed analysis prepared by our author will answer all your questions and give you rich food for thought. The choice, as always, is yours, but the responsibility for the result is entirely ours. Read and make only the right decisions!
New kitchen:what you can and cannot save on You probably have a drawer full of ideas for updating your kitchen, but there is one but, and unfortunately, it is the same for everyone. Budget. A terrible, insidious word that has broken more than one rosy dream of beauty. Let's not talk about sad things and try to focus on what is important - on appropriateness and practicality. And our expert, Artur Guchigov, Mobalpa export manager for the Russian Federation and the CIS, will tell you how to choose the most important thing and not miscalculate in the main thing.
7 tricks for a warm and cozy interiorkitchens So, all the plates are laid out, the sinks are installed, the countertops are in place. What's missing? Comfort, of course! We'll help you. Our collection of ideas for "warming" and spiritualizing the most popular of rooms will help you finish what you started, put the finishing touches and, we hope, put an end to the history of your kitchen renovation for a long time.
Kitchen facilities: the best articles about the design and decor of the room