Chief editor of Oksana Kashchenko and photographer Evgeniy Luchin will hold a master class this Thursday for anyone planning to organize an interior photo shoot. Editor-in-chief of Oksana Kashchenko and photographer Evgeniy Luchin will hold a master class this Thursday for anyone planning to organize an interior photo shoot. There are a lot of subtleties in this business, so we invited super professionals as lecturers. After attending the seminar, our guests will learn how to manage the photo shoot process, choose the right photographers, navigate the wealth of angle variations, the differences between photo shoots for the media and portfolios, and, of course, which accessories should be used during interior photo shoots and which ones are best avoided. This event is organized exclusively for professionals. The number of places is limited, and registration is required. Applications are accepted today until midnight at [email protected]. We are meeting at Presnenskaya Embankment, 2, Moscow International Business Center "Moscow City"/ Afimall City/ Eichholtz Boutique.
On Thursday there will be a master class on organizing interior photography –