
What the designer should know: how the presidential decree on professional standards will work -


The result of the interior designer's work is beautiful anda comfortable space that will become a constant source of joy for the customer. It is absolutely clear: the designer must know how to create harmony around. But what should he be able to do on the way to this goal? Do you need uniform professional standards for an interior designer? In search of an answer to this question, we turned to completely different sources - from official documents to Internet forums. Black and white. politicians". In connection with this, instructions were given to the Government of the Russian Federation, including “to develop at least 800 professional standards by 2015”. The document says that these measures are aimed at improving the state social policy. The definition of the term "professional standard" exists in Part 2 of Art. 195.1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is "a characteristic of the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain type of professional activity." What are the professional standards for an interior designer? took part in the discussion of this topic: the President of the Federal Chamber of Culture Yevgeny Potapov, interior designers and media representatives met at the Moscow Architectural Institute to discuss how the stages of developing standards for this profession should go. This is probably just the beginning - professionals will gather more than once to solve this problem. Our opinion:- It is very important for an interior designer in his work to be able to combine all the wishes of the customer and the real possibilities of the space. It is the latter that is particularly difficult. In addition, it is imperative to know all building codes and regulations. Otherwise, serious problems can arise. Voice of the people It is no secret that the dispute about what professional knowledge and skills an interior designer should have has been going on for several years. We turned to the Internet and got a lot of different opinions. Here are just a few of them. How to become a designer? To get started, go to the 3D Max training courses. Design courses are an option, of course, but you will only get the basics and a communication environment (which, in general, is already good). Then you will try to become a designer's assistant, learn to draw a "work", you will have all the stages of work before your eyes, you will begin to orient yourself in them, and then, perhaps, you will slowly begin to do something yourself. I almost forgot: learn to draw by hand, sculpt from plasticine, do collage - this is something without which our work is unthinkable and we need to constantly improve these skills. Vladimir Astrakhantsev I also know good architects, world famous - without higher education, and I know absolutely "none" with higher education. It all depends on learning ability and willingness to learn. I believe that with a responsible approach, good courses as a base will be enough, and then a lot of practice is needed, since this is the best teacher. Katya Stepanova Self-education without a base is complete nonsense. The base should be classic, and, accordingly, you need to choose an institution where they will begin to tell everything from scratch. So, for example, I studied at the art graphic. Exams, as it should be - drawing, painting, sketching. And the first year is a swotting of laws. Alexandra Tiryushkina Our opinion: - In modern conditions, a designer must necessarily know how to work in computer programs for interior design and construction planning. They allow you to accurately depict to the smallest detail what the new space will be like. With the help of such programs, you can easily show the customer the result of the work, as well as adjust the design, if necessary. Without a complete knowledge base about the rulesdesign of the environment, knowledge about the finishing materials presented on the market today and how to use them, knowledge about new products and trends in the furniture and construction industry, knowledge about the constructive construction of an interior, knowledge about epoch-making and modern interior styles - it is impossible to create an interior that is interesting from the point of view of design. Yulia Mikhailova Yes, self-education requires books, websites, and magazines - all this is important; innate taste is very important, but there are also designs, materials, ergonomics, art history. A lot of everything! And the worst thing is when such a "specialist", having received a profession in three months, then takes orders and begins, at best, to hire freelancers, and at worst - to "break" whatever is horrible. Anna Lugovaya Professional designers who for yearsstudied in higher educational institutions, as a rule, are skeptical of the ideas of "beginners" to fully comprehend the art of creating an interior in just a few months. The Internet is replete with suggestions that in just six months you can grasp the basics of drawing, perspective, design and computer graphics. And people who love design, but know nothing about it, sincerely hope for a quick result from learning. And then they practice. But imagine yourself in the role of a customer and answer important questions: would you like the designer to whom you entrusted your house and pay money to know in the apartment? So that you don't have any problems in the future? For a specialist to understand the meaning of the word "ergonomics" and? And so that the designer knows exactly how for your interior? The answer is obvious: you need a professional, and in fact, it is not so important where he acquired his experience - immediately in practice or while studying at a specialized university. In the near future, both the Federal Chamber of Culture and the unions of designers will be engaged in finding out what criteria a designer can be called a professional. will keep abreast of all important decisions.

