Garden and plot

What to plant on 6 ares: flower beds of vegetables, a Japanese garden and the best annuals -


We have collected the most interesting ideas and the most usefultips in one article. Beds of vegetables, the best annuals, what to plant on six acres, how to equip a Japanese garden - all at once and in an accessible form Beauty should be practical. we wrote about how to turn vegetable beds into a full-fledged garden. Are you planning to get your own summer cottage this year and can't figure out how to plant six acres? all the answers. There is a dacha, we figured out the vegetables - let's talk about the beautiful? we talked about the annuals of the middle lane. As many as 11 items of the most beautiful flowers. Perfection has no limits and cannot be.We have written a lot of useful materials about the organization of a suburban area. And then we thought a little about how we can improve the already existing splendor. In the garden, everything should be practical. Everything. With this approach, even vegetable beds can be turned into flower beds. For those who already had beds, apple trees and pickles, we suggest trying something new - a Japanese garden. Nothing complicated, we are how to equip it. Eastern philosophy for you? Build a sensory garden on your site. What is it and why do you need it -

