Organization of space

The basic stages of designing an ideal garage


Garage in our country is more a phenomenon thanbox for car. Therefore, it is necessary to approach carefully and carefully to choose and arrange it. About how to not miss anything and save space, read in our today's material In our country, it is not accepted to save on the garage area. It is understandable, because in addition to the car we store there bicycles, tools, pickles, vegetables, and sometimes garden equipment. But there is a problem: quite often we build, acquire or rent a garage of a much larger area than necessary. But this is real money, which you could spend on something really necessary.


First, let's calculate the area directly underone or two cars. The standard height for the garage is 2.2 m, but for the convenience of the whole family, add half a meter to the height of your tallest relative. The width of the parking lot for one car should not be less than 2.3 m. Note also that the distance to the wall or to another car should not be less than 50 cm. Different car models have different widths, but on average it is about 1.7 m. From here, you can start calculations for the width of the parking lot, for example, two cars: 1.7x2 + 0.5 (on each side). We get 4.4 m. However, this number reflects only the maximum minimum - in this case the cars will stand close to each other, moreover, it will be impossible to open the doors in any of them. This means that for real comfort, the distance between cars should be at least equal to the width of their doors (on average 0.7 m). It remains to add this figure to the existing calculations and arm yourself with a new result: 5.1 m. With the length, everything is somewhat simpler: add 0.5 m to the length of your car on each side. So you get the coveted figure.


The above calculations reflect only the parameters forcar parking. If you want to fit additional equipment in the garage, the calculations will have to continue. So, you are used to storing tools here and are going to place them in cabinets and drawers in the old fashioned way. Try another option: hang your tools right on the wall. Thus, you will save up to 0.5 m of usable space and significantly increase the functionality of your storage system. By the way, bicycles, scooters, skateboards and other sports equipment can be stored in the same way - by hanging them on the walls.

A super task

Placement of pickles and long-term storage productswill require more ingenuity. For example, instead of a huge cabinet, it is worth building a rack all the same 0.5 m wide, but full of the wall. Or place several hanging boxes directly under the ceiling. Or, conversely, make a small underground storage room. The choice, as always, is yours.,,,,,,,

