The old, as it turns out, is not forgotten, but simplygets a new name and becomes fashionable again. The shadeless light bulb has become popular these days under the name of "stylish loft lamp". Our selection will inspire you to make changes in your home
Recently, in the vastness of our native landAn interesting trend has emerged on the interior design market: lamps in the loft steampunk style. The famous design critic and owner of a design lecture hall Olga Kosyreva recently published her own selection:
Google light bulb - you'll find a lot of new things.From the beautiful crystal bulbs of English designer Lee Broom and the ornately wrapped Plumen to almost infinity. My latest discovery is the Diamond light by Eric Thurner. Olga Kosyreva
Less sophisticated admirers of interior trends also did not stand aside and demonstrated their own discoveries.
We decided to put together our own collection of the most striking new products, which would certainly have appealed to Nikola Tesla.