Traditionally, on the third Thursday of November, theyoung wine of the fresh harvest is presented, and many lovers of the drink prepare for this event in advance. On this occasion, we will tell you how to thoroughly approach Beaujolais Nouveau "Le Beaujolais est arrivé!" - this is how the French celebrate this day, which is officially prescribed in the legislative act and happens exactly six weeks after the harvest. Beaujolais is a young wine made from Gamay grapes. It is grown and produced in Burgundy - a historical region in the heart of France.The grapes are characterized by a fast ratematuration, and the region's winemakers were already making big profits from selling the "very first wine of the year" at the end of the 19th century. So the government tried to limit the start date of sales, which ended up almost coinciding with St. Martin's Day, which had been celebrated in the country for hundreds of years. The spirit of the old holiday, on which it was customary to open barrels of young wine, was embodied in Beaujolais Nouveau.
This wine is called bold and cheerful, ithas a sharp taste and unique bouquet. It must be consumed immediately, since a long fermentation period is harmful to the drink. The special aroma, transparent scarlet color and accompanying entourage have become so popular with the world community that today the holiday is celebrated in more than 140 countries around the world. Russia and Moscow are no exception, and since 1999, on the third weekend of November, we also celebrate the day of young French wine.
Try to create a unique atmospheresimply a wine evening, but a themed celebration can be achieved by using specific details for table decoration. The following is ideal for romance, sophistication and a purely French mood.
How to Prepare for Beaujolais Nouveau –