Design and Decor

Pink roses, or How to extend the life of a bouquet


Garden roses have amazing beauty andincomparable scent. Even one bouquet is able to make the interior more romantic and rosy. On how to extend the life of roses, read in our article From the point of view of the majority of gardeners, the place of roses is on the flowerbed: there they will look longer. Well, lovers of flowers can be advised to buy flowers in special shops. However, if you compare garden roses and store, the advantage of the first will be obvious. There is something in the garden colors that attracts, bewitching. In addition, the flowers bought in the store do not emit such a wonderful fragrance. Therefore, there is only one question: how to prolong the life of roses, put in a vase? To garden rose stood in a vase for a long time,you need to follow a few simple rules. First, you need to create suitable conditions for flowers: in a cool place, hidden from direct sunlight, they will stand longer. Secondly, it is better to cut flowers that just started to open: in the water they will continue to blossom, and their life will last. Third, cut off the stems of roses at an angle and then put in very cold water. Naturally, it will have to be changed daily, and the stems are also cut at an angle. Some lovers of fresh flowers recommendadd various components to the water. For example, you can advise taking 40-50 g of sugar and 150 g of citric acid per 1 liter of settled cold water. This will add some hassle, but the life of the flowers will last. You can also use a special compound that is sold in florist shops. It is dissolved in warm (37-38 degrees) water. Some cut the lower part of the flower stem into small pieces so that more water flows to the bud. To summarize, we can say that coolness is the most effective way to prolong the life of garden roses cut and placed in a vase.

