
Installation of the lath ceiling with your own hands: assembly


Some time ago the lath ceilings weredetail of the interior of only public spaces. They could be found in shopping centers, entertainment establishments, foyer of administrative buildings. And only recently this type of ceiling coating began to gain popularity among the masters who install the rack ceiling by their own hands. But even in these cases, most often the area of ​​application of the ceilings is limited to a bathroom. Rack CeilingThe aluminum ceiling rack is suitable for installationin any room. The attractiveness of non-rotting and corrosion-resistant ceiling coatings in a similar place is easy to explain: it does not promote the propagation of harmful microflora and is not damaged by it, it can withstand any detergents and disinfectants. Installation of the rack ceiling is relatively inexpensive and is quite affordable for the home master. Another obvious plus is that it is not necessary to level the surface of the rough ceiling, as the suspension system and smooth even stripes of the coating allow creating an ideal ceiling. And the possibility of placing spotlights in it, the convenience of performing a multi-level coating, the high decorativeness of some types of coatings on the ceiling panel make it more attractive for the design of residential premises.

Tools, calculation of quantity of materials

Among the necessary tools for assembling the lath ceiling with their own hands of tools and materials are the following:

  • elements of the suspended lath ceiling (profile, stringer, pendants, panels);
  • perforator, screwdriver;
  • construction level;
  • tape measure, ruler;
  • scissors for metal, pliers or pliers;
  • Fastening elements (dowels, screws).

You can calculate the material based on the results of measuring the perimeter of the room and determining its area: Scheme suspension ceiling rack.

  • Perimeter of the room will help to find out the exactnumber of U-shaped profiles. To determine it, you need to measure the length of each wall and add all the values. The total length of the walls is divided by the length of 1 profile (3 m). The rounded result will indicate the required number of profiles. At work it is necessary something to cut off, waste is formed, etc. Therefore it is better to get 2-3 extra ones to exclude unforeseen situations during work.
  • To determine the number of stringers on the ceilingmarking in a direction perpendicular to the placement of its panels. The distance between the stringers is about 1 m. For a room with a width not exceeding 3, 7 m, its length is divided by 1 (a step of 1 m). The fractional number is rounded up, the resulting integer will denote the right number of stringers. The step in this case will have to be slightly reduced.
  • Ceiling mounts are calculated based on the need for 1 whole stringer 4 fixtures.
  • Determine the number of panels will help calculatearea of ​​the room. To do this, its width is multiplied by the length. The total area is divided into an area of ​​1 panel, equal to 0.3 m2. At purchase it is necessary to consider also a stock of racks on обрезки and a waste approximately in 15% from total.
  • When the installation of a ceiling in severallevels, it will be necessary to calculate separately the number of materials for each of them. Choosing an open ceiling for installation (with a gap between the rails of up to 15 mm), it will be necessary to take care of calculating and purchasing a special profile - the layout between the panels. Back to contents</a>

    Mounting technology for suspended ceilings

    Figure 1. The design of the rake ceiling. To the surface of the future coating was horizontal and flat, the first step before the installation should be a horizontal marking. For its repaving, the hydraulic level is traditionally applied, but at home it can be replaced by a building one. When applying the instrument to the wall and following the placement of the air bubble in the bulb exactly in the middle marked with a special risk, several marks must be applied to the walls along the entire length. After that, they connect, drawing on the ruler the place of attachment. The distance to the overhead cover can be at least 5 cm, if it is not planned to place the communications hidden in the ceiling. In other cases, the distance is determined individually, depending on the needs. For marking under stringers, it is necessary to take into account the specified step of the details and to monitor the parallelism of the lines with respect to each other. The perpendicularity of the stringers to the side walls and panels is measured with a square. After applying the marking, you can go to the installation of the rack ceiling. Back to contents</a> Installation of load-bearing parts The carriers include profiles, hangers and stringers. Elements of the design of the rack ceiling.

  • In the U-shaped profile before starting workIt is required to drill a number of holes for fixing with dowels. To do this, retreat at 5 cm from the edge of the part and drill with the metal drill to make holes. Drilling must be done outside the profile, in order to avoid the formation of burrs, which will prevent it from adhering to the wall. The following holes drill in steps of 0.5 m.
  • Attaching the profile to the wall, make a mark on it in thelocations of the holes. To mark the puncher, drill the grooves for the dowels and fix the profile. Repeat all steps, setting the desired number of profiles along the perimeter of the room.
  • Applying to the line on the ceiling a stringer,place tags 30 cm from its edges. Place 2 more tags evenly on the remaining distance between the two initial marks. Mark the entire ceiling at once.
  • Hammer drill holes for dowels, hammer them.
  • Fastening stringer can be madedirectly to the ceiling, by screwing the screws into the clogged dowels through the appropriate perforation on their body. In the case of ceiling mounting on suspensions, these parts are first hanged, and then stringers are mounted on the suspension bracket. When hanging, it is necessary to observe the gaps between the U-shaped profile on the wall and the ends of the stringer at 1 cm.
  • The established skeleton of a ceiling it is desirable to check up once again on horizontality and after that to pass to installation of a ceiling rejka (fig. 1). Back to contents</a> How to install the panels on the frame Before starting installation, measure the rail of the required length, taking into account the gaps of 3 mm between the wall and the part. Tools for installing a rake ceiling.

  • Start the diagonal panel in the groove of the profile, align and fix it on the holders of the stringer, pressing it until it clicks.
  • The following panels, depending on the type of installationwith overlapping, closely or with a gap between them, simply winding into the profile grooves on opposite walls and snapping them on the stringer holders.
  • The last panel is cut shorter than the rest by 1.4see. This allows you to push its end face into one of the profiles as far as it will go, return the panel slightly backward, winding it in the opposite profile, and snap it, fixing it on the stringer.
  • In the event that the total width of the panels wasMore width of the room, one of the last panels should be cut in width. To do this, make a sharp cut with a knife or a knife over the metal along the entire length of the panel. Bending it, break off the superfluous. If the length of the panel is large, you can make incisions on the part to be removed with scissors before the line and break off the individual pieces. It is recommended that such a trimmed part be mounted not last but the penultimate one. Back to contents</a>

    Useful tips for the master

    When the length of the room exceeds the standard lengthpanels, they will have to be increased. For this, there are special details - intermediate liners. The need for their acquisition is clarified in the course of measurements and calculations before the assembly of the rack ceiling begins. The principle of mounting the stringer. Rack panels are best positioned in a direction perpendicular to the wall, in which there are windows. But if you place a window in the end wall of a long narrow room, you should prefer a direction perpendicular to the long walls. This will help visually to change the proportions of the room to more successful ones. When installing spotlights, cut holes in the panel. To do this draw a circle of the desired diameter and from the center of it make a series of cuts, bending them on the wrong side of the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to make incisions more often, so that the bent elements can be made as soon as possible. When installing, remember that scratches on the front of the panel can deprive the new ceiling of a part of the appeal. When choosing the type of panel coating, it is better to stop on anodized metal. This is the most stable coating known to date. Installation of the rack ceiling is simple. He is quite capable of even a single master, who does not have the opportunity to attract an assistant. The ease of completing allows you to independently install them and a woman. </ ul>

