How a hobby can help with repairs, and a husband - withlooking for antique furniture? How to treat classics with humor, and renovation with love and enthusiasm? The answers to these questions will be given by Maria Barinova, a person who brought her dreams and fantasies to life Maria Barinova is not a professional designer, but a very creative person and the owner of a 52-meter apartment, which she decided to remodel in her own way. She did it so well that her husband now proudly shows photos of the new interiors to his friends, and Maria shares her ideas and the process of their implementation with our readers. Being a perfectionist by nature, Maria loves the creative process no less than its result. She approached the arrangement of her apartment not only with all seriousness, but also with a bit of humor. And this helped to cope with the difficulties that arose during the process of work. Maria Barinova PR specialist, French teacher, photographer — - Maria, where did you look for inspiration when choosing a style? And what is the best way to define it? — — I spent a long time trying to formulate what our home should be like. Minimalism and modern style were immediately rejected, because I love things and little things that do not fit into a strict geometric design. I also adore antiquity, if not to say "old stuff". For example, I persuaded my husband to take an old sideboard-buffet from friends in a very "used" condition. As a result of the revision of all the "goods" accumulated by that time, I came to the understanding that our house would be in the style of an "old Moscow dacha", as I formulated it for myself. — What was the principle for choosing the color scheme? — We have a southern side, there is a lot of sun all year round. And my husband and I love blue - a calm, cold color. In order not to visually "freeze" the apartment, we had to look for interesting colors in fashionable palettes that would echo each other, smoothly flowing from room to room. In the end, the ideal colors were sage (gray-green in the kitchen and bathroom), blue and gray-blue teal (living room and hallway), and chocolate with bright turquoise in the bedroom.
— — In your apartment you have embodied everythingyour dreams? — — Yes, we managed to make almost all of our dreams come true, based on the available budget. Definitely in terms of functionality. There is still something I want to do. But not to remake, but to add. The only thing I would do if I had some experience behind me is to build in all the furniture and merge it with the walls! And the second idea, which will definitely come true someday, is to combine the kitchen and the living room. We realized for ourselves that it would be more convenient for us. — — Where did you buy most of the furniture? Was it difficult to choose? — — 80% is IKEA. I found the transforming table of Russian manufacture, "Mebel Massiv" on the Internet. It is solid oak, excellent fittings, good workmanship. The dining group and console in the hallway are "Rokos" from Vladikavkaz, but I cannot recommend them because of the very uneven quality of workmanship. The bed is a Turkish Bellona, magnificent! The carved furniture was brought from India.
— — What was the most important thing for you?difficult in the process of implementing ideas? — Difficulties arose with the installation of the kitchen. The material from which the furniture is made is solid and beautiful, but the quality of manufacture and assembly left much to be desired. Another difficulty was the uneven walls and floor, and our audibility turned out to be almost like visibility. Ideally, in such apartments it is necessary to do complete soundproofing of the floor, ceiling and walls. But this eats up precious centimeters, not to mention money. — What are you most proud of now in your apartment? — Proud of everything at once. And I am also very proud of my husband: he showed the highest degree of endurance and altruism, allowing my creative imagination to unfold in full force. But now he likes what he got, he is comfortable and does not want to change anything. He proudly shows his friends photos of the interiors. He is happy. I love it!
- What is your advice to those who are thinking aboutarranging your nest in a classic style… — It would be good to leave the basic elements of the classics: calm colors, natural materials, straight, unobtrusive shapes. The classics are not gilded rosewood, not silk with carpets, not statues with columns above the Jacuzzi. The classics are simply a base on which you can build any interior dear to your heart, having come up with a new, pleasant, very individual name for it. — What style would you do the next renovation in your apartment? — I would repeat the same thing, but not so hastily. I would add even more “antique” details. In general, the same vinaigrette, but with a more complex dressing.
Maria Barinova
How to combine the old buffet and IKEA: mistress Masha and her 52 sq.m.