
What to watch in a week: 13 movies with cool interiors -


Do not know what to do in the evening? Watch a movie with beautiful interiors. We found 13 gorgeous movies just in the subject

A quality movie set is just as important asgood acting. Unless, of course, we are talking about an ultra-conceptual art house, where a broken ax shaft and a torn sheet are often enough to convey the desired emotion. The well-designed interiors significantly deepen our understanding of the psychological portrait of the character and immediately answer a lot of questions that otherwise would have to be revealed with more obvious and less artistic methods. This weekend we decided to remind you of 14 films that are worth revisiting just for the interiors. 1. Breakfast at Tiffany's

It must be the most quoted productHollywood of all time. From a small black dress and a wide-brimmed hat Holly Golightly to her long mouthpiece and bath-sofa. Decorators tried to convey simplicity and charm, together with a small bunch of curiosities of the main character through the interior. With each scene, Galilely's apartment opens it on the new side, showing the audience the style of Manhattan's life in the middle of the last century. 2. Marie Antoinette

Costume drama by Sofia Coppoladetail screams for an overabundance of luxury, in which the main character drowns imperceptibly for herself. The abundance of gold, crystal and monograms is flavored with "innocent" candy colors, only emphasizing the never-ending feast of life. If the classical interiors and anticipation of public execution of the main character inspire you, then "Marie Antoinette" is your choice. 3. American Gigolo

The hero Richard Gere has a luxurious taste, and the interior,created for a character in the style of modern minimalism with a taste of art deco, will be relevant now. Let's not forget that the film will hit 40 in a few years, and again we'll think about a fashion that is incredibly cyclical, and the time that flows through your fingers, no matter how you try to stop it. 4. The Great Gatsby

Discuss the scope of the interpretation of Scott's novelFitzgerald in this modest collection will be an insult to such a large-scale film project. Therefore, we will confine ourselves to one snapshot and an urgent recommendation once again to enjoy the splendor and luxury of an American high society who has not yet experienced the Great Depression. 5. The Incredibles

A strange choice? By no means. In the work on this animation tape Piksar tried to glory and created an almost standard interior of the average American house of the 60s of last century. By the way, the furniture and shades of those times are back in fashion, so you can easily intercept a couple of ideas. 6. Gone with the Wind

Another cult movie, the heroine, whose nameyou can not remind, and luxurious interiors of the "old world". About this film, you can only talk in an excellent degree, and the interiors - it's a heavy "cherry on the cake." 7. The Tenenbaum Family

Wes Anderson, as nobody knows how to createat the same time a strange and charming movie, which almost always becomes the anthem of the holiday of life and the promise of a happy ending. "Family Tenenbaum" - just such a film. The eccentric family and the interiors perfectly matching it will not bore either your inquisitive mind or the feeling of beauty. 8. James Bond

Bond surroundings are determined by any part of the franchisecomprehensively reflects its inner essence. Leather, metal, dark shades and permanent mirrors as a symbol of double bottom, duality and pursuit. And they are always luxurious, stylish and cause a desire to press a pause to view each detail separately. If you decide to create a bachelor den that you will not be ashamed to demonstrate, especially a sophisticated person, then Bondiana will be your best source of inspiration. 9. Graduate

The visual part of this film was praised not by oneOnce, however, we ask you to pay attention to the interior of the family house, in which the main character returns after release. Each constructive component is aimed at creating a sense of the cell from which the hero of Dustin Hoffman is ready to escape anywhere. 10. A Lonely Man

Tom Ford as no one knows the sense in style and beauty. Therefore, the scenery of the "Lonely Man" mostly resembles a beautiful dream about the 60s. Although almost certainly those who lived at that time in the United States, remembered them just such - memories are always better than history. If they are happy, of course. 11. To hell with love

In this tape, it is intentionally exaggeratedall. But, in our opinion, the interiors from this only won. They are bright, large-scale, catchy and cinematic optimistic. What you need for an evening home show. 12. The Specter

Not that Ghost. Another one, with Evan Makregor and Pierce Brosnan. There Belushi is shaved bald. Remembered? But we do not need to be reminded once again, we remembered this crime drama in the chic beach house of the main character. Landscapes here literally penetrate through the windows into the realm of brutal minimalism, which, it seems, can be cut. 13. Love by the rules and without

Beach house heroine Dayan Keaton can safelycall the reference cinema house. In this interior, I want to live at any age and marital status. To the style of the American traditional family house added Mediterranean freshness and water palette. It turned out cozy, calm and easy.

