Usually, when carrying out repair work onThe last stage involves leveling the walls with putty for subsequent painting or wallpapering. Puttying works are carried out step by step. Moreover, even a beginner can perform each step. Therefore, the technology of puttying walls with your own hands will be considered below.Wall puttying scheme.
Why do I need putty?
The plaster consists of fairly largeparticles, so the plastered surface will be unsuitable for painting. If you paint such a wall, then in good lighting, small bumps and depressions will be visible on it, it will not have an attractive appearance. The only thing that can be done in this case is to rub the wall before gluing wallpaper.Scheme for preparing putty.So how do you achieve perfect evenness and smoothness of walls? For these purposes, you need to use putty, which consists of much smaller particles, which allows you to apply the mixture in a very thin layer. Puttying technology involves processing any surface in several stages. First, a base layer of 3-6 mm thick is applied. In some cases, it is necessary to increase the thickness to 10 mm. After this, a finishing layer of 1-2 mm is applied. Small cracks and scratches that form after the finishing layer dries are sealed with an even thinner layer, going almost "to zero". After the puttying is finished, the wall will consist of layers such as:
- brick or panel base;
- plaster;
- base layer of putty;
- finishing layer;
- superfinish layer;
- paint and varnish covering (wallpaper).
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Tools and materials
Tools for wall puttying. The tool for or painting is the same as for plastering, but only externally:
- a set of putty knives;
- jointer;
- abrasive mesh;
- roller or brush.
The working surface of the spatulas should be thin,so that when pressed, it bends slightly. This will allow you to get a thinner and more uniform layer of finishing mixture. Also, the blade of the spatula should be perfectly smooth, even and with rounded edges. To sand walls for painting or wallpaper, use a jointer with clamps and an abrasive mesh. It is not recommended to use sanding paper for these purposes, since the putty stuck to it will scratch the wall during work. All tools must be kept clean, and immediately before starting finishing work, they should be wiped with microfiber or a clean lint-free cloth.Scheme of filling seams.The materials you will need are a deep penetration primer and putty. It is almost impossible to overestimate the role of the primer. Using this material allows you to remove dirt and dust from the coating, increase the adhesion of the putty, which, accordingly, will lead to an increase in the reliability of the finishing coating. You need to know that the walls are treated with a primer not only before applying the base layer, but also after cleaning. Usually, Ceresit CT17 deep penetration primer is used for priming walls, but in some cases, you can also use an antifungal solution. When choosing a putty, you should take into account that it is better to buy an expensive material, since in this case a high price is a sign of quality. However, you should not be upset about the high cost, because the putty consumption is small, so one bag will be enough for a standard-sized room. Return to contents</a>
Wall plastering for wallpaper
Scheme of work with a spatula.Before you start, you need to prepare them properly. First, you should remove the old coating, be it wallpaper or paint, and then clean up the crumbling areas. You can use a regular spatula for this. With the sharp edge of this tool, apply a few vertical and horizontal stripes along the wall with a little pressure. If the surface is dense, only small grooves from the spatula will be visible on it. Otherwise, pieces of plaster will fall off the base. Then dirt and greasy stains are removed from the finishing surface. Particular attention should be paid to those areas that are damaged by fungus. Such places are carefully cleaned and treated with an antifungal solution. After this, the entire surface of the wall is treated with a deep penetration primer, which is applied with a wide brush or roller. After the primer has dried, you can proceed to puttying. For finishing work, it is recommended to use 2 spatulas: a wide one (60-80 cm) - for , narrow (15-20 cm) - for applying putty to the first tool. The putty mixture is applied to the entire width of the spatula, after which it is brought to the wall at an angle of about 25-35 °. In this way, you will create an optimal gap between the base and the working tool. The spatula with the mixture should be moved diagonally. This will allow you to simultaneously level the wall surface in all directions. If you are right-handed, then you should start finishing work from the left edge of the wall. This is justified by the fact that the putty technology involves applying the solution with an overlap, that is, the layer laid on the left side will be covered by a new layer on the right side. When laying the base layer, do not try to make a perfectly flat surface without stripes, as you are unlikely to succeed. After applying the first layer, you need to give it time to dry, after which, using a jointer and an abrasive mesh, the joints of the layers and bumps are removed from the wall. Next, the wall is primed again, and then a finishing layer of putty is laid. The second layer should be no more than 2 mm thick. At the final stage, another grouting and priming is done, after which wallpaper can be glued to the wall. Return to contents</a>
Puttying of walls for painting
Scheme of starting and finishing puttying of walls.The main task of putty for painting is to make a perfectly smooth surface. If using water-based paint you can hide minor flaws in the wall, then painting with enamel will not only not hide the defects, but will also highlight them. Therefore, you need to prepare the walls for painting with double diligence and attention. At the same time, 2 layers of putty may not be enough. Sometimes you need to apply 3, 4 or more layers. The main thing is not to be lazy and do the work efficiently. The technology of putty for painting is practically no different from preparing walls for wallpapering. The only minor difference is in the tool used: the maximum width of the spatula should be no more than 60 cm. Grouting must be done in bright light. To do this, you can bring a table lamp to the wall. Bright light will allow you to see all the defects more clearly, thanks to which you can repair them in the best possible way. Puttying walls is a fairly simple operation. However, without experience, it will be difficult to achieve a smooth base the first time. But a little practice will give a positive result after a while.</ ul>