A current trend in interior designis the original ceiling decor. Unusual finishing materials, sculptural elements, accent lighting - all these design techniques are aimed at making you look up - one of the current interior trends of 2015. Instead of banal white plaster, designers recommend using a variety of, sometimes unexpected . Wood, tiles, fabric, metal, glass, wallpaper - all this decorative finishing has smoothly migrated from floors and walls to the ceiling. Moreover, the ceiling has become a new platform for visual and architectural experiments. From a faceless interior element, it has turned into a full-fledged, and sometimes the main component of the design idea. Our opinion: - Since in modern design the boundaries of differences in the perception of interior planes are almost erased, then why not use for ceiling decor not only materials, but also accessories that are usually used to decorate walls. For example, paintings or . In the end, you can admire the beauty in a horizontal position.
Depending on the role that is assignedthe ceiling, it can echo the style of the room (concrete in a loft, wooden beams in a Mediterranean interior), accentuate itself (3D structures, architectural forms, light and texture contrast) or create the effect of a smooth transition from one plane to another (projection of wall decor onto the ceiling). In any case, you get a stylistically, decoratively and emotionally complete interior, without the feeling of incompleteness that a boring white plane above your head leaves. The choice of a specific technique depends only on your readiness to experiment and the height of the ceilings. Our opinion: - It is the height of the ceilings that you should remember when starting the process of decorating them. If this figure is equal to the standard 2.60-2.80, it is better to abandon architectural delights, dark colors and voluminous textures.
Unusual ceiling: original design and tricks of creation