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Gorgeous fences


The function of fences, of course, protect. But between them there are also real works of art. About some of them, we'll tell today. The most beautiful fence, according to our editorial board, is surrounded by the Swarovski crystal plant in the Austrian Wattens. Its translucent glowing waves look fantastic and even a little magical. During the day they shimmer with a pearl luster, and at night, due to unusual lighting, appear glowing from the inside. The fence was created by the design studio Design Studio Regina Dahmen-Ingenhoven. The most democratic fence createdAmerican designers Peter O'Shea and Robert Winstead for the town of Charlottesville in Virginia. Here along the pedestrian zone there is a wall covered with black paint for a coated board. Now every passer-by can write on it everything he wants. Authorities, frankly, feared that the expression of freedom of thought would not always be censorship, but it turned out that the wall-board had grown fond of children most of all, and now they are happy to paint on it. The project was named The Community Chalkboard. Here is another example of inviting the public toThe creation of a street masterpiece: the almost destroyed wall at the railway station in Hamburg, now thanks to the designers Mathias Berthold and Andreas Schon and the local residents not only restored, but also decorated with a mosaic with a description of love and hobbies of the townspeople.

