The interior of small houses abroad

Cozy little thrifty house


Small economical house in the forest Is it convenient to live ina small thrifty house? All fans of the tiny houses are welcome to Alex Malamed’s on Walnut Street. Interior area of ​​27.8 m2, more like a large cozy rustic kitchen because of the area for cooking along the whole wall. Kitchen area The bedroom is in the attic withhigh ceiling, here is a bath and a bathroom. From the outside, the house is trimmed with rain-proof shou shugi siding made of burned cedar and corrugated metal. The style of the house is borrowed from local rural motifs, in particular, black barns in Louisville and Kenya. Triple glazing, use of solar energy and climate control with heating function make the house a comfortable accommodation in any season. Such housing performance standards are referred to as “passive”. The monthly electricity bill is about $ 36, which is a negligible amount by local standards. True, such a passive standard is very difficult to implement precisely in tiny buildings because of the restrictions on power consumption per foot. Therefore, during construction, special attention is paid to the heat-insulating layer of walls, floor-to-ceiling and windows. In the video, the owner notes that good insulation is very important, because in winter no one wants to be surrounded by cold walls and ice windows. People lodge in tiny houses for economy, but, of course, they want comfort. A video about an economical tiny house. Now this house is a temporary shelter, Alex is building a larger house. Then he plans to lease the house or turn it into a home office. The view from the outside to the economical house of the futureconvenient format for the maintenance and management of small houses - a joint, in the style of a mini-village for several families or generations of one family, although it would be difficult for grandparents to climb the second attic. Alex's house is in Yellow Springs, which is less urbanized, the population of the town is friendly. Many residents use the bike, even more move on foot - children to school, people to work, the elderly for a walk. On foot you can get to nature, parks, even to suburban areas. An attractive project, what do you think?

