A small apartment is, of course, not a problem, butOwners of small apartments often face some inconveniences. Only a carefully thought-out layout can make living in them comfortable for all family members. Today we set ourselves the task of figuring out how to expand the space in an apartment using simple means. Firstly, so that a limited-area home does not seem cramped and overcrowded with things, it is necessary to optimally use every square meter. By adhering to the recommendations that designers give in such cases, you can additionally create a visual effect of expanding the space. How to do this?
1.It is advisable to paint the walls in light colors or choose wallpaper with a discreet pattern - this will create a feeling of spaciousness and light in the room. Large patterns in rooms that are not very large are contraindicated.
2.The problem of a low ceiling can be easily solved by choosing wallpaper with vertical stripes. The illusion of higher ceilings will be supported by vertical paintings, while horizontal ones, on the contrary, will visually increase the volume of the room.
3. You shouldn't choose massive chandeliers, they clutter up the interior too much and completely destroy the effect of lightness. It's better to buy a small lampshade or install several spotlights.
4. It is not advisable to abuse the abundance of accessories. Bulky candelabra, large flowers in appropriate containers, floor vases - in this case are contraindicated.
5.It is also better to refuse ordinary lush curtains with numerous folds, as well as any other heavy draperies. Lightness, and therefore airiness and spaciousness, will be added by blinds or curtains in pastel colors, necessarily from thin fabric (white tulle, organza). Window sills in a small apartment should be narrow.
6.Mirror surfaces significantly influence the visual perception of the surrounding reality. Therefore, a mirror panel on the wall or ceiling will be an excellent way to increase the space. The same effect will be created by a sliding wardrobe with mirrored sliding doors.
7.It is not recommended to divide a small apartment into zones, and this can be achieved by different floor finishes. The same floors throughout the apartment will give a sense of integrity and, accordingly, an apparent increase in area.
Designer receptions for small interiors