Small bathroom interior

Designer storage systems in a small bathroom.


Most readers who have their own housing,It will be interesting to learn how to efficiently use the free volume of the bathroom. And it will be especially useful for owners of small premises. Each of us seeks to create comfort, comfort and functionality in our home or apartment. At the same time, the mentality of a person, especially a Russian, determines the presence of a large number of necessary and useful things that need to be folded somewhere or hidden from other people's eyes. Bath accessories were no exception, butalso hygienic, cosmetic and cleaning products that need to be placed closer to the place of their use, that is, in the bathroom. In order for things not to create a mess, but also not to take up a lot of such valuable space, you can use storage systems (shelves, cabinets, hangers, etc.). And it is not at all necessary to purchase something expensive. The ideas for creating such options presented below, as a rule, do not require large costs and do not take up tangible volumes, and also allow you to give an original look. In addition, a number of systems make it possiblerational use of the so-called "dead zones", which are inconvenient in operation and usually remain free. Among such places are bottlenecks between plumbing and a wall, various niches, etc. The simplest solution for creating a storage system would be to use shelves of different shapes and sizes, which can be glass and wood, metal and plastic. In this case, it is worth adding a small decorative element to it, and a spectacular design item will be obtained. For example, openings in a regular flat shelf, into which pots, vases or other containers can be inserted, not only transform its original appearance, but also add convenience to use.

