The modern way of life is a desire to do everythingand save time, resources and money. The desire to use everything around as rationally as possible is impossible without attention to detail, and today we will tell you how to properly save water in your home and what new technologies will help you with this. Water is necessary for our life just like air, and differs from it primarily in that most people on the planet pay for its use. This expense item is so constant and natural that we hardly pay attention to how much and, most importantly, how we spend water. Admit it, when was the last time you read statistics on water consumption and did you read them at all? But dry and objective figures really open your eyes and clearly show how many hundreds and even thousands of liters of water go nowhere, and along with them - money, having saved which, you can make an apartment or make a large purchase. We analyzed all (or almost all) existing ways to save water in the house and chose ten of the most effective for you. By taking them into service, you can be guaranteed to save water without compromising comfort, and perhaps even with benefit for it. Our useful tips and new plumbing products, created specifically for the rational use of resources, will help you.
1.Make repairs on time The very first thing that will help you save water is to repair the entire , if necessary. A leaky toilet alone is already about 70 thousand liters of wasted water per year, it is not difficult to calculate the losses in monetary terms. Check each faucet, toilet drain, taps and connections. We suggest a simple way to understand if there are leaks somewhere: before going to bed, write down the readings of the water meter and compare them with what it shows in the morning. Provided that no one used the bathroom or toilet at night, a change in the readings will indicate that some plumbing is still leaking. Having repaired everything that needs to be repaired, do not stop there and get into the habit of regularly inspecting the kitchen and bathroom in order to fix problems in time.
2.Close the tap tightly Always! On average, a poorly closed tap “dripping” up to 700 liters of water per month, which is approximately equal to 10-12 full washing machine cycles. Imagine what numbers you get if you convert this into a year. There is only one way to combat leaks: get into the habit of checking all taps at least in the evening, ideally during the day. If you are going away for more than a couple of days, it is better to turn off the water in the apartment altogether.
3.Give a full load Turn on the washing machine and dishwasher only when they are fully loaded. Wait until you have enough dirty clothes or dirty dishes, and you can always wash and rinse small items by hand. Also, do not pour too much powder into the washing machine so that you do not have to use an additional rinse. Otherwise, you will waste not only water, but also electricity, which will increase unnecessary expenses at least twice.
Most manufacturers think ahead andcare about the consumer by creating new economical models. For example, the product line of the Italian brand Smeg includes a number of models of dishwashers with minimal water consumption (8.5 l/cycle). They are designed specifically to increase productivity and reduce water consumption and, as a result, electricity. In addition, the design of dishwashers is very diverse, which means that both lovers of cute retro and adherents of ultra-modern minimalism will find models to their liking.
Model BLV2 with retro case, series "Style of the 50s"
Model BLV2 with retro case, series "Style of the 50s"
Series "Style of the 50s"
Fully built-in model STA4526
Model STA4513
4.Install a dual flush toilet Dual flush is a very convenient feature that we hope will soon be installed in all toilets. The principle of operation is simple: the flush panel has buttons for small and large volumes, most often 3 and 6 liters respectively. Depending on the task, the toilet flushes a certain amount of water, which significantly contributes to its savings. For clarity, let's do a little calculation: competent use of the dual flush function will allow a family of three to save up to 15 liters of water per day and up to 450 per month.
Double flush tanks can be found atGerman brand GROHE. They offer three flush modes: single or double volume and flush interruption. You can choose between standard 3 and 6 liters, and also reduce the larger flush volume to 4.5 liters.
5.Buy sensor faucets They work very simply: water starts flowing when you bring your hands to the infrared sensor and automatically stops when you remove them. Such faucets can be found more and more often in public toilets of shopping and entertainment centers, where the daily flow of people is simply huge, which means it is necessary to use water rationally. The advantages of the sensor are obvious: it completely solves the problem of a constantly - and unnecessarily - open tap. And it is also very useful in the kitchen: with such a faucet, you will not have to dirty the faucet handles in time.
6.Or use lever faucets Most often, sensor faucets are more expensive than regular ones. Therefore, if you are looking for a more budget-friendly option, give preference to lever faucets. They mix water faster than two taps, so it takes less time to select a comfortable temperature and less water is wasted. Many modern models are created specifically to save water, which is up to 10-15 liters per day.
7.Explore the WELL classification system WELL (Water Efficiency Label) is a new European system of water efficiency standards. The classification developed allows you to evaluate plumbing equipment by the degree of rationality of water consumption. Simplicity is its main advantage, it is understandable to any consumer. All mixers and showers are divided into classes, from A to D, depending on how much water and energy they consume. Class A is the highest, and if you see the corresponding mark on the product, you can be sure that you are buying not only a beautiful thing, but also an economical one.
Pay attention to the mixers and othersanitary ware with GROHE EcoJoy™ technology from GROHE. They are designed to maximise the rational consumption of water and energy without compromising comfort. GROHE was one of the first manufacturers whose products were included in the new WELL classification.
Concetto Collection
Concetto Collection
Eurodisc Cosmopolitan Collection
Eurodisc Cosmopolitan Collection
Europlus Collection
Europlus Collection
Eurostyle Cosmopolitan Collection
Eurostyle Cosmopolitan Collection by Anna Deneuve,Marketing Communications Manager at Grohe: — All single-lever basin mixers with the GROHE EcoJoy™ function are equipped with an integrated water flow limiter, which ensures a perfect flow and minimal consumption (maximum consumption is only 5.8 l/min). In addition, GROHE EcoJoy™ mixers have a built-in temperature limiter, which also helps to reduce energy consumption. These innovations allowed GROHE EcoJoy™ basin mixers to receive the prestigious WELL (Water Efficiency Label) emblem for efficient water use, developed by the European Association of Manufacturers of Plumbing Fittings. According to its rating, single-lever basin mixers are assessed in two categories: water flow and water temperature. In every category, GROHE EcoJoy™ basin faucets scored the highest rating, earning an A. 8. Don't keep the tap running unnecessarily Here are just a few situations in which you probably don't need to keep the tap running: washing dishes and applying detergent, soaping up in the shower, brushing your teeth, cooking, and so on. In 10 minutes, a tap running at full blast can use up to 150 litres of water. Now imagine if you only kept the tap running for 3 of those 10 minutes while washing dishes. If you think about it, that's a pretty significant saving.
9.Learn to love taking a shower Few people don’t like to bask in a warm bath, relax after a hard day, or just dream. This is certainly a pleasant and necessary procedure for home relaxation, but it’s easy to guess that a shower is still much more economical. We don’t encourage you to give up long, thoughtful baths forever, but you should definitely learn to love the shower. Use it most of the time, and set aside a certain day for a bath, which consumes at least twice as much water.
10.Make friends with smart technology It's simple - replace your old plumbing with more modern ones that are designed to use water and energy efficiently and meet current water efficiency standards. And don't be afraid of innovations. Yes, we are all conservatives by nature, and unknown functions seem almost hostile to us (and at first glance unnecessary), but you only need to study them carefully once, and you will literally discover a new world for yourself.
We suggest not to put the matter off for too long andright now to get acquainted with several more new plumbing products in the style of "smart home". For example, the Spanish company with almost a century of experience Roca has several very useful things at once. First of all, these are push-button faucets. Water from them comes in portions, that is, exactly as much as is needed, and not an endless useless stream. Moreover, the parameters of these portions can be programmed independently: for example, water can flow for 15 seconds.
Self-closing mixer Avant
Self-closing external shower mixer Sprint
Self-closing mixer Sprint
You can't pass by the W+W series, which includescontains an innovative disinfectant liquid, thanks to which the water from the sink can be used to flush the toilet. Marina Sidorina, Marketing Director of Roca: - One of the main trends of the Roca Group is the joint development of design and ecology. Our products carry the latest technological advances that allow you to save and optimize water consumption. In addition to basic inventions, such as flow limiters in faucets and a constant reduction in the volume of water required to flush toilets, Roca is developing individual eco-friendly concepts. For example, the W + W series has received wide international recognition and has already received many awards: Design Plus Award, Best-ED, WAN Award, Silver Delta Award and others. This model combines a sink and a toilet, which allows you to save up to 50% of the water consumed in everyday life due to its reuse.W+W System
W+W System
W+W System
W+W System
W+W System Another new product, this timeLast year — the HiJet toilet from Laufen (one of the Roca Group brands), which uses only two liters of water for a full flush. It meets all modern global plumbing standards and is designed to be connected to standard installation systems where the flush setting is changed — instead of 6 or 4.5 liters, 2 liters are set, and this is enough for high-quality work. Marina Sidorina, Roca Marketing Director: — Returning to the topic of ecology, it is important to mention that the water consumption of these products is constantly decreasing. The standard is still a dual flush of 6 and 3 liters, but today more and more models are equipped with 4.5/3 liter mechanisms. At Laufen, we have the HiJet model, which provides high-quality flushing with only two liters of water.
HiJet toilet from Laufen
HiJet toilet by Laufen In parallel with thisLaufen continues to actively promote rimless toilets on the market. What is their benefit? Additional savings, which are very simple: less dirt means less cleaning and, consequently, less water consumption. Marina Sidorina, Marketing Director at Roca: — The bowl design does not have a rim, and a high-quality flush ensures optimal water distribution. Thus, the user gets additional ease of care and maintenance. We have such models in both Roca collections (for example, The Gap) and Laufen collections (Kartell by Laufen, Pro series).
The Gap toilet from Roca
The Gap toilet from Roca
The Gap toilet from Roca
Laufen Pro S toilet by Laufen
Laufen Pro S toilet by Laufen