How to expand the space in the apartment

Increased space without reconstruction. Unique ways for you!


Without major repairs, movement of the walls, even a small studio can be made larger. To make the apartment comfortable and spacious, you need to strictly follow a few recommendations.

Minimum furniture and decor

The setting should be small. The size of the bed, the number of cabinets, their size depends on the availability of free space. For the bedroom you need a comfortable and compact bed, which can be installed on the second level. In the remaining rooms should be the most necessary headset. You should avoid various items, decorations, serving for decoration, but cluttering the room.

Audit of created storage systems

All household items requireperiodic inspection. Regularly need to get rid of the trash, which is unnecessarily. Seasonal items require economical storage methods. For example, they can be folded in baskets and put under the bed or on the closet, and the little things hang on hooks. Well enclosed space shelves, attached under the ceiling, where you can hide everything that is rarely used.

Optimal lighting

Well, if in a small room comes a lotthe sun. Here translucent curtains are appropriate, letting in a lot of light. Large chandeliers do not fit. This decor is exclusively for large areas. The miniature pendants, sconces, neon ribbons will look good.

Use of free corners

You can free up the room with the help of narrowvertical cabinets or hanging shelves installed at the junction of two adjacent walls. These additional storage areas will make the center of the room more spacious. You can find other uses for these areas, justifying them as a working area or table for a night lamp.

Combining functional areas

Saves meters combining multiple areas. The kitchen is adjacent to the living room or dining room. Not bad when combined bedroom and office or dressing room. Borders of sites are screens, various partitions, a change in color.

Visual area increase

In the fight against close quarters will help the visualperception of space. It is known that light walls and the ceiling can give a room a freer look. Mirror planes create a similar illusion. Large windows that carry moderate solar flow make the apartment fresh and comfortable. To implement these simple rules do not require major repairs. Their implementation will make living space more comfortable and convenient.

