Liz Weingart never thought thatThe renovation of the bathroom in her home will take months. An investment banker and marketer, Liz was on a business trip to California when her upstairs neighbors experienced a sewer back-up that flooded her bathroom. The bad news came from the property manager of the New York building where Weingart had lived for two decades. The damage was extensive: The bathroom was old, and water had been pouring from the ceiling for 10 hours while Liz was away. Liz caught the first flight home from New York to find her apartment flooded. A lot of work had to be done to prevent mold and mildew from growing. Liz hired a remodeler to cut holes in the walls to allow them to dry out. The humidity level in the walls was recorded at 100%. The bathroom looked like a piece of Swiss cheese.
Interior of a small bathroom before flooding AfterAfter the room dried out, Liz began planning her next steps. Her neighbors compensated her for the damage, but the funds were not enough for even the most basic repairs. In the photo, we see the bathroom before the utility accident. The building in which Liz's apartment is located was built in 1938 and slightly renovated - not in the best way - in 1990. Beige tiles visually enlarge the room, but this does not change the overall picture much. Liz decides to do a real good renovation, rather than update the old interior with cheap materials.
Small Bathroom Design After Renovation Lizis thinking about how best to arrange a small bathroom. The measurements she took helped her to form an idea of what she could expect in such a space. It became clear that the sink, for example, could not be moved. Liz decides to become her own designer and choose tiles, lamps, plumbing and all the finishing to her taste, thinking everything through carefully.
New sink and vanity The most difficultThe problem was choosing a dressing table and a heated towel rail: both of these items would inevitably take up too much space in such a cramped space. Standard-sized components did not fit into the compact interior, and it was necessary to look for something smaller.
Compact toilet in a renovated interiorbathroom The toilet also presented problems. In order for it to fit in the bathroom and match the color and style of her interior, Liz had to visit many stores in search of a suitable model.
Shower and lighting in Liz's bathroom seriouslyapproached the design of her new bathroom. She learned that many people make mistakes by installing the shower stand and lighting inappropriately for the person's height. Liz herself is barely five feet tall, but even in this case, the placement of lamps, hangers and stands had to be adapted to her individual parameters.
Functional corner in a new design The source of inspiration was the architecture of luxury hotels, photos of which Liz printed out and hung on the walls, complementing the black and white interior of the bathroom.
Double niche - an element for savingspace and increase its functionality According to Liz, the arrangement of these niches in the wall next to the bathtub was one of her best ideas. They perfectly cope with the function of saving space in such a small space. In total, the amount spent on the renovation of this bathroom was twice the amount of insurance compensation. But wasn’t such beauty worth it? Don’t be afraid to experiment and take on the role of a designer. Study modern materials, look through magazines, seek inspiration and create interiors yourself in which you will feel most comfortable.