The interior of small houses abroad

Project of a narrow two-story house without partitions


The project of a narrow two-story house developed andimplemented by Australian architects Hearing the expression “the project of a narrow two-story house”, many of us will decide that we are talking about the next work of some Japanese architect. Although similar buildings appear everywhere today, most of them are concentrated in cities that are characterized by very dense buildings, like Tokyo or Hanoi. However, megacities such as London or New York, too, do not stand aside. So, even if we take into account only the geographical aspect, it becomes obvious that the project we are going to tell you about is rather unusual. After all, we are talking about a very narrow two-story house, located in the city of Fairlait, north of Sydney. Its design was developed by specialists of the local firm Marston Architects. In order to save space, architectscompletely abandoned the use of traditional doors and partitions inside the residence. Instead, they designed glass sliding panels, curtains, and other elements designed to divide the space and provide flexibility and openness to the interior. Thus, the bathroom in the bedroom suite is separated from the main part of a simple curtain. Due to the modest size of the house, residents do not have to travel long distances when moving from room to room and from floor to floor. The hallway and the staircase are located on one of the side walls of the building. How can one explain that such a compact, if not to say close, structure seems very airy and spacious? The fact that the designers have carefully thought out the location of the windows - ordinary, ceiling and ceiling light, which guaranteed the interior excellent illumination throughout the day. Finishing played an important role in creating a favorable impression: white plastered walls, a floor of limestone and trellised oak wood panels. Someone may decide that this is not original, but the light, neutral color palette really can do a lot for small spaces. What do you think about this project?

