The interior of a small bedroom

10 Tips for decorating a small bedroom


The layout of a small recreation area can bevery exciting. Using simple design techniques, it can turn into the room of your dreams. and capacious storage space - this is the right solution for compact living spaces.

1. Stick to a limited color palette.

If a completely white interior is not for you -Use your favorite colors, but don't overdo it. In this bedroom they introduced only red and orange shades, which are perfectly combined with a brick wall and wooden furniture. Such bright accents combined the room into a single air composition.

2. Let the sun into the house

Make the most of your windows by refusingheavy curtains. Only natural light will make your environment light and unassuming. Well, since no one has canceled privacy, hang simple curtains on rollers of lace or veil.

3. Increase storage space

Purchase. For example, a wall-to-wall rack. It will be a shelf for books and drawers for various things and knickknacks, as well as a night table.

4. Do not be afraid to use windows

There is not a single rule that says aboutthat you can not move the furniture to the window. In this case, they did the same with the bed, thereby leaving more room for movement. Vertical blinds hide the room from prying eyes, and every morning, this window wakes the owners with the gentle rays of the sun.

5. Bring more mirrors to the interior.

Creating the illusion of more space withreflections is a classic trick that always works. Ideal for small bedrooms where mirrored walls recognize the effect of a large room. In addition, this clever trick gives the situation a unique style, and the antique antique mirror looks very elegant.

6. Acquire smart furniture

Spent money and time to order suitablejust for your custom interior furniture, worth it. As you can see, this bed fits perfectly into the attic floor, leaving most of the room vacant. Convenient placement of drawers, hanging night table and transparent chair visually unload space, increasing the free area of ​​the bedroom.

7. Accent wall

In this narrow room, attention is sharpened on the far wall with unusual wallpapers. They combine pale blue furnishings and furniture into a single whole interior composition.

8. Decorate the headboard

This is a fairly simple and ingenious way.organization of a miniature sleeping area. Made to order, such furniture can be both a shelf for books, and a bedside table and an element of decor. But this is not all, its construction is not so simple - on the other hand, a spacious wardrobe continues.

9. Make bold decisions.

In this bedroom in the attic pushed to the frontplan its main advantage - sloping walls. A neatly fitting bed and work area in avant-garde style make the teen room individual.

10. Perfectly white classic

Agree, this interior is incomparablewhiteness, which to some extent resembles cosmos. Interesting wall decorations attract the view to the window, forcing to look away into the distance. Concisely embedded drawers give a general mood of order and calm.

