Big ideas for small bedrooms.This time we will look at how the Europeans, who are used to saving, solve the problems of modest spaces and take a look into the apartments of the English, Germans and French, who are far from design... In the most ordinary houses, many unusual solutions are often found. White, light and with a mirrored wardrobe? Not at all necessary! Even the smallest room, in which there is barely enough space for a bed, with the help of affordable furniture and materials. And we found examples not in designer interiors, but in the homes of ordinary people in countries where they are accustomed to counting useful meters no less than ours: in England, France and Germany.
Pattern and ornament Do you think that a large drawingon the walls is not a suitable solution for tiny rooms? The English will argue with you, for whom traditional patterns are . In British interiors, you can find flowers of all sizes, stripes and checks in any proportions. The secret is to match the patterns in tone and color. And then the whole room will turn into a real box - beautiful, cozy and warm. As befits a bedroom.
If you experiment with a large and bright patternseem too bold to you, try a discreet floral pattern. Match the textiles to it, focusing on the lightest and darkest shades of the pattern. If the room does not allow for full-fledged curtains, look for suitable fabric blinds. They will create a "seamless" effect. This approach does not help to increase square meters even visually. It does much more - it turns the lack of space into its main advantage.
Curtains and canopy Small or inconvenientA planned space is not a reason for despondency, but a platform for experiments. The owners of these apartments approached the problem creatively and fitted small beds into niches in their homes, separating them with draperies. In both cases, the result was elegant and comfortable traditional bedrooms, reminiscent of the aristocratic dachas of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
Contrary to popular belief, neglecttextiles in bedrooms are not worth it. Often, curtains and drapes become the most aesthetic and comfortable choice there. They not only add coziness, but also help save space if they are used instead of traditional doors in mini-dressing rooms or storage systems.
Small and Dark Box Room Ideasin relation to the bedroom often helps owners get rid of stereotypes and get exactly what they need. For example, from the fear of dark or saturated colors in small spaces.
The twilight atmosphere can be compensated withwith the help of mirrors, light, paintings and light textiles. But the feeling of security and peace that deep chocolate, blue, dark gray and dark green tones give cannot be compared with anything. Wooden paneling, panels and tinted clapboards can serve as an advantageous dark background.
Bright spots A great way to fixsome disadvantages of the unsuccessful geometry of your bedroom - a bright accent wall. Make it red or orange - and you will add light and warmth to the room facing the north side. Make it light blue or blue - and you will be able to visually move it a little further away.
The ceiling will serve the same purpose. This solution will help you to "lift" it a little.
Reflections Mirror - The Ancient Companionbeds. If you want to use it for , place it opposite artificial light sources. And if you need a mirror to expand the space - opposite or to the side of the window. One of the most successful solutions is a mirrored wall opposite the window, to which the headboard of the bed adjoins, and a bedside light. In this way, mirrors erase the boundaries of space and a small room turns into an endless hall filled with reflections.
20 Cool Ideas for Decorating Small Bedrooms: People's Experience –