Chief editor of Oksana Kashenko will hold a lecture on April 28 at the FTF interior salon dedicated to the new products and trends that were shown during the Salone del Mobile exhibition. Milano The Salone del Mobile 2016 exhibition that took place in Milan in mid-April showed where the entire world of interior and design is heading, giving a lot of food for discussion and a huge emotional charge. Oksana Kashenko will share this with everyone who attends the lecture on April 28, telling about the most interesting new products and trends, as well as showing exclusive author's photographs that make you feel the entire atmosphere of the exhibition. Guests will hear a story not just from a journalist, but from a designer whose experienced eye is able to single out colors and textures that are not noticeable at first glance.The event will take place in the FTF interior salon,who always actively follows trends and offers its clients the best and most modern, the most aesthetic and functional. Architects and designers are invited, who, if they intend to attend the lectures, must send a confirmation to the e-mail address [email protected]. The portal is the information partner of the event. The start time is 18:30.
On April 28, there will be a lecture on the latest developments and trends at the Milan exhibition -