Modern realities are unlikely to pleasemost readers with various super abilities, which is why the pages of our forum very often reveal questions related to the processes of transforming an existing interior and bringing it to a normal and modern state. This topic is especially relevant in the conditions of small apartments. It is for this reason that we decided that several practical, and most importantly, visual tips will not seem superfluous to you, and may push you to your own bold creative decisions.
Raise the optical ceiling level in yourroom. An old but reliable scheme associated with the use of striped wallpaper will completely take on the function of a kind of crane, raising the height of your room to an even greater value. The contrast of black and white colors will look very impressive and really practical. Such a color scheme of the room will really help to solve this problem in full. The design of the ceiling in such a situation should be simple and in harmony with the overall interior.
Let there always be sunshine.High-quality lighting, especially in combination with an abundance of sunlight, will fill your rooms with a special mood and make them appear somewhat larger than they actually are. This technique is especially relevant in small kitchens, where cramped conditions negatively affect the cooking process. Installing large windows will not only alleviate this discomfort, but will also serve as a source of additional ventilation in the warm season.
Selection of additional interior elements,which will support the overall design solution and add additional functionality. Various pieces of furniture and decor, both ready-made and custom-made, can perfectly fit into the existing image. The style of the interior will not be violated if you try to combine modern tiles and wood, and also competently approach the issue of color design. If such actions also lead to an increase in the functionality of the room, then all the work will definitely not be in vain.
Think big.Special models of modern plumbing and bathtubs in particular allow such products to be installed in almost any area, with almost any configuration. Even in a small bathroom you will feel cozy and comfortable, and the opportunity to soak in the bathtub will only enhance this emotional effect.
Choose only the plumbing thatreally satisfies all the requirements related to the dimensions of your premises. Exclusive plumbing of this kind will not only fit well into the space of your bathroom, but will also create a special and unique interior, looking at which you will experience true pleasure.
Equip your kitchen with taste and somehighlight. An original and modern kitchen set will not only save a sufficient amount of useful space, but also create a special interior, for a positive perception of which a minimum amount of effort is required. A red teapot with a set of dishes, decorated in the same color and a set for spices, distinguished by an interesting design solution - elements that in their totality create the basis of such an interesting design. Such decoration of the room with the help of tableware is not only outwardly attractive, but also practical.
Don't leave any corner unattendedyour space. If you think that some areas of your room need to be highlighted in order to create a certain design accent, do not hesitate and act boldly. A small strip of ceramic mosaic, which served as a background for an original washbasin, is an example of a creative move that can be fully used for such purposes.
Another angle of this example of magnificent design will allow you to appreciate in a broader and more detailed way the beauty of the idea that was so successfully embodied in real life.
7 great ideas for the interiors of small kitchens and baths