The interior of a small kitchen

The interior of a small kitchen in the Moroccan style


Would readers agree that any vitalshould the space be designed uniquely first of all in order to make its inhabitants comfortable? The interior should reflect the addictions and tastes of the owner of the house, and even its history. One has only to take the time to search for original solutions, and each room, as at the request of Jean from the bottle, will begin to acquire its own features. For example, a small kitchen with fairly complex proportions requires a particularly careful work of the designer. It is quite difficult to create coziness in such a small area, while maintaining the functionality of the room. But the floor tile taken as a basis, brought from Morocco and painted there manually, makes it possible with little effort to turn a small part of an apartment into a separate world full of warmth and soft colors. And it is to the tile that color and shape are, in particular, exquisite coffee table by the window has an oriental charm. The room is designed in tones matching the ornate patterns on the floor. The material itself pleasantly cools the feet in hot weather, and warms them in the winter due to the special features of the heating, is very easy to clean and durable. As a result, the efforts of the designer to find the very, intimate and spiritualized element, pay off the overall atmosphere of the resulting composition. Needless to say, sometimes it is necessary to build the interior of a room, listening to the inner creator living in the heart of each of us. Then even the smallest kitchen will become a warming hearth for the whole family.

