These layouts are considered typical becausethere are very few options, it is very difficult to make a big choice in a small area. Kitchens in houses with a standard construction either have a square shape, or they are rectangular, the entrance door goes from the hallway, and opposite is a window. It is possible to have a balcony or loggia. In this small box, the main task is the compact placement of the food preparation area, cabinets for kitchen utensils, and, in fact, the place for eating. The usual arrangement is the arrangement along the perimeter, but it can be done differently. Let's consider 8 layouts of typical kitchens.
Hot shop + dining table
This kitchen layout is generally suitable fortwo-room apartments or apartments with a kitchen area of at least seven square meters. If it is possible to obtain permission from the relevant authorities to dismantle the wall in the hallway, then this will be a very good option, the kitchen will be more spacious. If there is no permission, then the opening will be standard, the appearance of the kitchen will not be spoiled, but it will be a little cramped. It is also necessary to agree if the stove and sink are located in the kitchen peninsula area according to the project. This option is good provided that there is a living room area or a guest room, and the family is small.
Window wash
The solution is non-standard, however, unusual, andis more typical for foreign apartments. It transforms the space, brings beauty, but also requires special permission. A little impractical, one might even say, a little inconvenient in everyday life, but quite original.
Engineers - designers are constantlyfinalize the series and update it. Currently, many houses have been built in which the kitchens have a rather unusual layout according to the projection. With the help of a ledge on one of the walls, the space is increased, this can be seen with the naked eye. In order to make such a renovation, at least eight squares are needed.
Kitchen Bar
This option is best suited for non-standardresidents, and the owners - experimenters. The refrigerator is in the underframe, next to the bar counter. We can talk about whether it is practical, perhaps not everyone will like it, but each family has its own rhythm and individual preferences. The effect is obvious. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the location is suitable for a room without a bay window, if it is possible to extend the room at least one meter in length.
Kitchen-dining room
The plan is very similar to the previous one, however there isthe difference is in the entrance on the side, and not opposite the bay window. This arrangement is most suitable for apartments with three rooms, but with a good arrangement it can also be done in apartments with a smaller area. This way you can free up space for a large table, move the sink and work area to the smaller side. Additional coziness will be brought by a cozy sofa, which will fit well against one of the walls.More and more often in ordinary houses you can seelayout, in which the kitchen has a rectangular shape. The possibility is expanded by a loggia, which can be sheathed and combined with the kitchen. The location is ideal for various types of houses, the following options are most suitable for kitchens with an area of more than 9 square meters.
Warm balcony
In this version, the bar counter comes insteaddining table, since its placement does not provide such an opportunity. Opposite the zone, there are storage areas for various kitchen items, and the refrigerator is located in the built-in furniture.
Dinner on the stove
There is also a dining table here instead of a dining counter, however, the insulated balcony can be left as is initially, not combined with the kitchen. The visible disadvantage is the small space for dining and the fact that it is located very close to the stove. Many owners, especially those who like to go to various newfangled establishments, will feel comfortable in such an environment. If cooking is public with spectators, then this is what you need.
Let's consider a kitchen option with an area of no more than 9 meters, in the shape of a square, and the entrance is opposite the window or in the wall that is perpendicular to the window.
Kitchen island
Based on this option, food intake can becombine with cooking, that is, everything is nearby, and without going far. Again, you will have to forget about the dining table, but in this version there is an opportunity to realize the dream of a kitchen space. Suitable options can be found for every taste and color. The plan clearly shows the sheathed side of the loggia, which goes into the half-bay window part. This balcony solution is suitable for houses of type P - 111M.
Tradition + modernity
This non-standard layout combinestwo options: the traditional arrangement of the furniture in the form of the letter L and a modern one, in which the table adjoins the window sill. And the balcony can also be insulated, but it is not necessary to combine it with the kitchen, which means there is no need to coordinate it. And again, the sheathed side of the loggia, which opens into the half-bay window part, is clearly shown. This is suitable for houses of type P - 111M.