
ExpoStroy na Nakhimovskom extended the competition until January 31 –

Design and interior center "ExpoStroy onNakhimovsky extended the deadline for accepting completed works for the open competition for the best design project for window dressing in a shopping pavilion. The shop windows of the shopping pavilion, located along Nakhimovsky Prospekt, are waiting for ideas from professional designers and decorators. The competition, which started on November 16, was planned to end on January 18, but at the request of the participants, the period for accepting completed works was extended by another two weeks - until January 31.General information support for the projectis carried out by the portal All details are promptly published on the pages of our publication, in social networks, as well as the Center for Design and Interior. We remind you that an event of this kind is being held in Moscow for the first time, and the winners of the competition will receive cash prizes. The best project will be implemented.

