An exhibition known in our country since 2007"Vitrina" is taking on a new format this time. Instead of products from Western manufacturers, the emphasis will be on the work of Russian architects with these products. We learned what to expect from the event. This year, the "Vitrina" exhibition has turned into a design summit called Vitrina Fair and will be held on November 23-24 in the "Aquarius" salon. The main goal of the organizers is not just to present leading manufacturers, but also to convey useful information about them, using the example of .There will be 14 live performances fromleading architects and market specialists. These will not be just presentations, but practical discussions that will be revealed by professionals in the context of the products offered by Vitrina Fair partners. The event is designed for a wide audience and will be of interest not only to designers and architects, but also to those who are planning to do their first renovation.
Russian architects will share their experience on November 23-24: Vitrina Fair. Design Summit –