The interior of small houses abroad

Capsule house: an interesting and suitable option for megacities


Capsule House Capsule House today is no longersuch a rarity. This type of houses is extremely popular in countries with a large population in order to save space for living space while maintaining maximum functionality. View of the house from the street a few years ago in Japana similar capsule house was under threat of demolition, but the decision was changed, and some apartments in this house are still functioning. However, many of the apartments are in critical condition. A large round window overlooking the road.capsule apartments were built in 1972. When built, they simply folded around like a Lego around a concrete base. This was done to further replace the outdated apartments with new ones. Folding table The area of ​​each apartment is4 by 2.5 meters. Originally, they were created for Japanese traders who wanted to take a break during their long journey home. Apartments are furnished according to the standard: a bed, a sink, a bathroom, a folding writing desk and even a TV with an alarm clock. A small kitchen Each capsule apartment was supposed to be a small corner in a huge city with all the necessary human conditions. The view from the front door. Despite the fact that thesecapsule apartments with time should have been changed to more modern ones, this was never done because of the high financial costs. Thus, these capsule houses, despite their low rental costs, immense functionality and space savings, are considered by local residents as a relic of the past. They also hope to demolish the building and replace it with something newer.

