Decorative plaster is one of the mostpopular materials used by modern designers. With its help, you can not only plaster the walls, but also create a spectacular panel that will bring a special atmosphere to your home and become the main color accent of the interior.A panel made of decorative plaster will bring a special atmosphere to your home and will become the main color accent of the interior.
Preparatory work and applying of Venetian
You will need:
- Venetian plaster;
- a deep penetration primer;
- trowel;
- sandpaper;
- putty;
- trowel with rounded corners.
Before making a panel from decorativeplaster, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. First of all, you need to decide on the place of application of the drawing and make markings. For this purpose, you can use a simple pencil and a ruler. If you are going to use a stencil, then mark the wall with its help. In the event that you find damage from nails or dowels on the wall, putty them, then smooth the surface with fine-grain sandpaper. After this, you should prime the place under the decorative plaster panel. Use a deep penetration primer - this will greatly improve the adhesion of the materials. The primer can be applied with a roller or brush in 1-2 thin layers. It is necessary to let the solution dry completely, only then proceed to the next stage (applying Venetian plaster).Preparing walls for decorative plaster.Venetian plaster is usually used for the background of a decorative plaster panel. In this case, the technology for applying it is significantly different. First, you need to give the plaster the desired shade. For this purpose, use a special colorant, add it to the plaster, then mix well with a construction mixer. Remember that after the Venetian plaster dries, it will be half a tone darker - this must be taken into account when adding the colorant. If you are afraid to take on such work, then ask for this service when buying in the store. Venetian plaster is applied to the wall using a trowel (a thin layer of 2-3 mm). In this case, the trowel is first pressed against the wall, then quickly torn off - this way you get the effect of "ostrich skin". You can do it differently - first apply the plaster in the usual way, then go over the surface with a foam sponge (with jerky movements). After the Venetian plaster has dried, it is sanded using a trowel with rounded corners. It is important to ensure that the relief is not smoothed out completely. The main task is to obtain a coating with small bumps, depressions, cracks and dents. Next, the surface of the plaster is tinted with mother-of-pearl, gold or silver glaze (can be replaced with acrylic paint, which is diluted with water and applied in a thin glaze layer). At this point, the preparatory work can be considered complete. Return to contents</a>
Decorative plaster panel
You will need:
- stencil;
- putty knife;
- building scotch;
- decorative plaster;
- acrylic paints;
- sandpaper.
After the Venetian plaster has dried, they beginto making the panel. First, you need to attach the stencil to the wall using construction tape. When the stencil has an adhesive base, tape is not used. If you applied the drawing yourself, cover its borders with the same masking tape.Methods of applying decorative plaster.To make a stencil yourself, take a sheet of thick paper, apply a pattern to it, then laminate it with transparent film on an adhesive base. After that, using a scalpel or a stationery knife, cut out all the excess. Instead of paper, you can use thick film, then skip the lamination stage. Decorative plaster for the panel should be of a plastic consistency and contain fractional sand. In addition, it should look good against the background of Venetian plaster. The plaster is applied to the wall with a spatula; it is not necessary to smooth the surface at all. After you have applied the pattern, immediately remove the stencil from the wall and rinse with water. If the plaster dries, this will be much more difficult. When the panel dries, lightly go over it with fine sandpaper. This is necessary in order to get rid of errors in the work, as well as smooth the surface in some places. After this, the composition is painted with paints that are combined with this type of finish. Acrylic paints are most often used, as they are compatible with most types of decorative plaster. If desired, you can diversify the decorative panel with various inserts: beads, mosaics, shells, colored glass (elements are glued to wet plaster). Making a decorative panel with your own hands is not so difficult if you study the technology and follow the advice of experts.</ ul>
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