
Decorative plaster of walls by own hands: choice, drawing (video)

Modern construction involvesmany types of wall cladding, but decorative finishing has recently become very popular. This is all due to its extraordinary elegant appearance. If you do the finishing yourself, it will help to significantly reduce costs.Decorative plaster on the wallWhen applying decorative plaster to a wall, you cannot use tools made of ordinary steel, as they may cause rusty stains to appear on the walls, which are very difficult to remove.

The main advantages of decorative plaster

In addition to its attractiveness, it also has numerous advantages:

  • no preliminary preparation of walls is required;
  • Due to the structure of the finishing material, it is possible to hide significant defects;
  • the possibility of applying to any surface and from any material, but when decorating wooden walls, it is recommended to use mixtures containing a solvent;
  • finishing with decorative plaster has no joints and seams;
  • easy to apply;
  • Durable material allows for many years not to produce plastering;
  • the material is resistant to temperature changes and is fireproof;
  • has increased sound and heat insulation;
  • walls with such plaster can be cleaned with any detergent.

Scheme of hanging a wall for finishingdecorative plaster. Decorative plaster of walls can be used for both interior and exterior decoration. In addition to walls, it can also be used to decorate the ceiling. This plaster has a granular structure and is based on the following components:

  • on a water basis with binders;
  • granite, marble or quartz fillers;
  • additional preservatives, thickeners and antiseptics, which improve the quality of the formulation.

This type of finishing is the most practical to use.for plastering large walls in country houses, and in apartment-type houses it is best to finish niches and walls with large defects and cracks. It is advisable to use such finishing in kitchen areas, since walls plastered with this material do not absorb odor and have protection from dirt. can be combined with other materials, which will give the room an original designer look. Using this material, you can not only give the walls an unusual texture, but also make a variety of patterns and original multi-layer paintings and panels. Silicone compounds are most applicable, they have increased adhesion and have the ability to repel moisture and dirt. Such compounds are sold ready for use, and therefore they are easy to use. Return to contents</a>

Varieties of plaster structure

Scheme of finishing the facade with plaster "Bark beetle".

  • "Bark beetle" - imitates a kind of corrupted wood beetle bark beetle;
  • imitation of natural stone;
  • flock - silkscreen effect;
  • Venetian plaster;
  • "Rain" - imitates drops on glass;
  • "rock".

Of all the types, the most common and easiest to perform are "rain" and "rock". Return to contents</a>

Choosing decorative plaster

Before purchasing the material, it is necessarymeasure the area of ​​the walls and decide which plaster structure will best suit the interior. Today, in specialized stores you can buy ready-made compositions with various fillers that will give the walls various effects. When purchasing material in stores, you can look at samples on special stands and choose a decorative composition for every taste.Plaster "Bark beetle" is necessaryapply to the surface, which must be pre-leveled with a base layer of plaster. When purchasing decorative material, it is best to ask the sales consultant to help make the correct calculation in order to know the required amount of plaster. Just in case, it is recommended to purchase the material with a small reserve, as there are cases when at the end of the work there may not be enough mixture. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the tool:

  • Roller and brush for painting.
  • Spatulas wide and narrow.
  • Special trowel with rounded edges.
  • Textured roller, necessary for givingthree-dimensional drawing. It can be purchased at the store or manufactured independently. When self-made roller is used sponge rubber with large pores or pieces of leather.
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    Preparatory work

    Before applying decorative plasteron the wall, if possible, it is better to level them. Of course, this plaster is capable of hiding defects, but in order to save it, it is wiser to use a cheaper material to seal significant cracks. When the walls are plastered with a finer relief composition and there are no fibers or other large particles in its composition, the preparatory work should be carried out more carefully, as before painting.Tools for decorative plastering.After this, for better adhesion of the composition to the walls, you need to lay a layer of primer. If you buy a ready-made decorative mixture, you need to consult with the seller, which brand of primer is best suited. It is usually recommended to buy compositions from one manufacturer. Before applying the primer, you need to study the detailed instructions. For quick application of the primer, it is better to use a paint roller, and use a brush in hard-to-reach places. As soon as the primer is applied, it must be allowed to dry. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Application of a decorative layer

    You can start working the next day.after priming. This time is enough to study the instructions and the process of applying the decorative layer. If a ready-made composition is used, then in most cases it is already tinted, and you will only need to add water or solvent in the amount specified in the instructions. And to mix the mixture, it is recommended to use a drill with a mixer. You can lay the plaster with a relief roller, spatula, brush, using bristles, a whisk - it's a matter of taste and the desired pattern. Many craftsmen use a special plastic spatula. When performing structural plaster, a trowel or spatula is used for leveling. During leveling, the granules slide off, which gives an individual pattern to the walls.Scheme for applying decorative plaster.Textured plaster is applied with a stainless steel spatula, roller or sprayer on the surface and then leveled. This method is used to apply Venetian plaster with fancy patterns. When the plaster is applied, it will retain its plasticity for some time. New patterns are created with a roller with elongated bristles, and then smoothed with a spatula or brush using wide strokes. But to make the walls look more interesting, a figured roller or a spatula with teeth is used. The shape of the pattern depends on the number of applied layers of decorative plaster, the formation of the pattern depends entirely on the design skills. Do-it-yourself decorative plastering of walls begins in the corners of the room. Since the plaster may not lay in an even layer the first time, you can practice on a small section of the wall. The container with the finished composition should not be left open for a long time. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Painting decorative plaster

    It is recommended to apply a primer before painting the surface. If several layers of paint are applied, then priming is not required between them.

  • If to paint a decorative plaster monophoniccolor, the results are almost not visible. The best efficiency is achieved when painting in two shades, then the texture will be highlighted. For such work, a "dry brush" or "wash" is used. When using the blurring method, the relief depressions will be underlined, and the dry brush method will emphasize irregularities.
  • For the "rock" effect, any method can approach, since its relief pattern is diverse, but only the method of washing is suitable for "rain".
  • For any performance, the first layer must bebackground, and the color should be made several times. In this case, the paint is applied using a roller with elongated villi. But it's important to remember that a very thick layer looks unimportant, due to the fact that small nerves are hidden.
  • To highlight the relief with a "dry brush", light colors of the paint are selected, and under "washing" more dark shades will look more effective.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that whenWhen painting decorative walls, you will need much more paint than regular ones. To paint walls using a "wash", it is recommended to choose waterproof paints, and when using the "dry brush" method, any type of paint will do.</ ul>

