Construction company "GlavDachTrest" invitesall its clients to the Show Home country exhibition complex, where free seminars will be held in the bosom of nature. The Show Home exhibition complex is a place where clients of the GlavDachTrest company can have a good rest, spending their weekends (or even weekdays) usefully and in a good mood. And also with barbecue and fresh air. As an educational program, guests will be presented with two seminars - on the step-by-step construction of a country house and on a range of finishing, design and engineering works. They will be conducted by specialists of the company, who will be happy to answer all questions from the audience. More detailed information about visiting the complex can be found .
To register for the event you mustwrite to e-mail or call +7 (495) 212-10-12 or +7 (967) 206-06-08. The portal is an information partner.
"GlavDachTrest" invites you to visit –